3.11  Bibliography

The first part of this chapter is covered in greater detail in Weste and Eshraghian [1993]. The experiments presented in this chapter may be reproduced using PSpice and Probe from MicroSim ( http://www.microsim.com ). A free CD-ROM is available from MicroSim containing PC versions of their software together with reference manuals in Adobe Acrobat format that are readable on all platforms. Other PSpice and Probe versions are available online including the Apple Macintosh version used in this book (which requires a math coprocessor). Mukherjee [1986] covers CMOS process and fabrication issues. Analog ASIC design is covered by Haskard and May [1988] and Trontelj et al. [1989]. Chen [1990] and Uyemura [1992] provide more depth on analysis of combinational and sequential logic design. The book by Diaz [1995] includes material on I/O cell design for ESD protection that is hard to find. The patent literature is the best reference for high-speed and quiet I/O design. Wakerly’s book [1994] on digital design is an excellent reference for logic design in general (including sequential logic, metastability, and binary arithmetic), though it emphasizes PLDs rather than ASICs.

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