11.3 OperatorsAn expression uses
any of the three types of operators: unary operators, binary operators,
and a single ternary operator [Verilog
LRM 4.1]. The Verilog operators are similar to those in the C programming
language--except there is no autoincrement (
module operators; parameter A10xz = {1'b1,1'b0,1'bx,1'bz}; // Concatenation and parameter A01010101 = {4{2'b01}}; // replication, illegal for real. // Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, and modulus % parameter A1 = (3+2) %2; // The sign of a % b is the same as sign of a. // Logical shift operators: << (left), >> (right) parameter A2 = 4 >> 1; parameter A4 = 1 << 2; // Note: zero fill. // Relational operators: <, <=, >, >= initial if (1 > 2) ; // Logical operators: ! (negation), && (and), || (or) parameter B0 = !12; parameter B1 = 1 && 2; reg [2:0] A00x; initial begin A00x = 'b111; A00x = !2'bx1; end parameter C1 = 1 || (1/0); /* This may or may not cause an error: the short-circuit behavior of && and || is undefined. An evaluation including && or || may stop when an expression is known to be true or false. */ // == (logical equality), != (logical inequality) parameter Ax = (1==1'bx); parameter Bx = (1'bx!=1'bz); parameter D0 = (1==0); parameter D1 = (1==1); // === case equality, !== (case inequality) // The case operators only return true (1) or false (0). parameter E0 = (1===1'bx); parameter E1 = 4'b01xz === 4'b01xz; parameter F1 = (4'bxxxx === 4'bxxxx); // Bitwise logical operators: // ~ (negation), & (and), | (inclusive or), // ^ (exclusive or), ~^ or ^~ (equivalence) parameter A00 = 2'b01 & 2'b10; // Unary logical reduction operators: // & (and), ~& (nand), | (or), ~| (nor), // ^ (xor), ~^ or ^~ (xnor) parameter G1= & 4'b1111; // Conditional expression f = a ? b : c [if (a) then f=b else f=c] // if a=(x or z), then (bitwise) f=0 if b=c=0, f=1 if b=c=1, else f=x reg H0, a, b, c; initial begin a=1; b=0; c=1; H0=a?b:c; end reg[2:0] J01x, Jxxx, J01z, J011; initial begin Jxxx = 3'bxxx; J01z = 3'b01z; J011 = 3'b011; J01x = Jxxx ? J01z : J011; end // A bitwise result. initial begin #1; ("A10xz=%b",A10xz," A01010101=%b",A01010101); ("A1=%0d",A1," A2=%0d",A2," A4=%0d",A4); ("B1=%b",B1," B0=%b",B0," A00x=%b",A00x); ("C1=%b",C1," Ax=%b",Ax," Bx=%b",Bx); ("D0=%b",D0," D1=%b",D1); ("E0=%b",E0," E1=%b",E1," F1=%b",F1); ("A00=%b",A00," G1=%b",G1," H0=%b",H0); ("J01x=%b",J01x); end endmodule A10xz=10xz A01010101=01010101 A1=1 A2=2 A4=4 B1=1 B0=0 A00x=00x C1=1 Ax=x Bx=x D0=0 D1=1 E0=0 E1=1 F1=1 A00=00 G1=1 H0=0 J01x=01x 11.3.1 ArithmeticArithmetic operations on n-bit objects are performed modulo 2n in Verilog, module modulo; reg [2:0] Seven; initial begin #1 Seven = 7; #1 ("Before=", Seven); #1 Seven = Seven + 1; #1 ("After =", Seven); end endmodule Before=7 After =0 Arithmetic operations in Verilog
(addition, subtraction, comparison, and so on) on vectors ( module LRM_arithmetic; integer IA, IB, IC, ID, IE; reg [15:0] RA, RB, RC; initial begin IA = -4'd12; RA = IA / 3; // reg is treated as unsigned. RB = -4'd12; IB = RB / 3; // IC = -4'd12 / 3; RC = -12 / 3; // real is treated as signed ID = -12 / 3; IE = IA / 3; // (two's complement). end initial begin #1; (" hex default"); ("IA = -4'd12 = %h%d",IA,IA); ("RA = IA / 3 = %h %d",RA,RA); ("RB = -4'd12 = %h %d",RB,RB); ("IB = RB / 3 = %h%d",IB,IB); ("IC = -4'd12 / 3 = %h%d",IC,IC); ("RC = -12 / 3 = %h %d",RC,RC); ("ID = -12 / 3 = %h%d",ID,ID); ("IE = IA / 3 = %h%d",IE,IE); end endmodule hex default IA = -4'd12 = fffffff4 -12 RA = IA / 3 = fffc 65532 RB = -4'd12 = fff4 65524 IB = RB / 3 = 00005551 21841 IC = -4'd12 / 3 = 55555551 1431655761 RC = -12 / 3 = fffc 65532 ID = -12 / 3 = fffffffc -4 IE = IA / 3 = fffffffc -4 We might expect the results
of all these divisions to be - 4 = -12/3. For integer assignments, the results
are correctly signed ( |