11.16 Bibliography
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11.16 Bibliography
The IEEE Verilog
LRM [1995] is less intimidating than the IEEE VHDL LRM, because it is based
on the OVI LRM, which in turn was based on the Verilog-XL simulator reference
manual. Thus it has more of a "User's Guide" flavor and is required
reading for serious Verilog users. It is the only source for detailed information
on the PLI.
Phil Moorby was one of the
original architects of the Verilog language. The Thomas and Moorby text
is a good introduction to Verilog [1991]. The code examples from this book
can be obtained from the World Wide Web. Palnitkar's book includes an example
of the use of the PLI routines [1996].
Open Verilog International
(OVI) has a Web site maintained by Chronologic ( http://www.chronologic.com/ovi
) with membership information and addresses and an ftp site maintained by
META-Software ( ftp://ftp.metasw.com in /pub/OVI/
). OVI sells reference material, including proceedings from the International
Verilog HDL Conference.
The newsgroup comp.lang.verilog
(with a FAQ--frequently asked questions) is accessible from a number of
online sources. The FAQ includes a list of reference materials and book
reviews. Cray Research maintained an archive for comp.lang.verilog
going back to 1993 but this was lost in January 1997 and is still currently
unavailable. Cadence has a discussion group at talkverilog@cadence.com
. Wellspring Solutions offers VeriWell, a no-cost, limited capability, Verilog
simulator for UNIX, PC, and Macintosh platforms.
There is a free, "copylefted"
Verilog simulator, vbs , written by Jimen Ching and Lay Hoon
Tho as part of their Master's theses at the University of Hawaii, which
is part of the comp.lang.verilog archive. The package includes
explanations of the mechanics of a digital event-driven simulator, including
event queues and time wheels.
More technical references
are included as part of Appendix B.
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