NXP Semiconductors Reports First Quarter 2014 Results

NXP Semiconductors                                                          
Table 1: Condensed consolidated statement                                   
 of operations (unaudited)                                                  
($ in millions except share data)                  Three Months Ended       
                                            March 30,   Dec. 31,  March 31, 
                                               2014       2013       2013   
                                            ---------  ---------  --------- 
Revenue                                     $   1,246  $   1,293  $   1,085 
Cost of revenue                                  (661)      (704)      (602)
                                            ---------  ---------  --------- 
Gross profit                                      585        589        483 
Research and development                         (189)      (168)      (153)
Selling, general and administrative              (213)      (224)      (222)
                                            ---------  ---------  --------- 
Total operating expenses                         (402)      (392)      (375)
Other income (expense)                              -          1          7 
                                            ---------  ---------  --------- 
Operating income (loss)                           183            198                115  
Financial  income  (expense):                                                                                                  
    Interest  income  (expense)  -  net                                  (34)              (39)              (49)
    Foreign  exchange  gain  (loss)                                          (2)                31                (53)
    Gain  (loss)  on  extinguishment  of  long                                                                          
      term  debt                                                                              (3)              (54)              (37)
    Other  financial  expense                                                    (6)              (17)              (13)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Income  (loss)  before  taxes                                                138                119                (37)
Benefit  (provision)  for  income  taxes                            (15)              (10)              (11)
Results  relating  to  equity-accounted                                                                                
  investees                                                                                    1                    6                  47  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  income  (loss)                                                                  124                115                  (1)
Net  (income)  loss  attributable  to  non-                                                                            
  controlling  interests                                                        (14)              (19)              (13)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  income  (loss)  attributable  to                                                                                      
  stockholders                                                                          110                  96                (14)
Earnings  per  share  data:                                                                                                        
Net  income  (loss)  attributable  to                                                                                      
  stockholders  per  common  share                                                                                            
Basic  earnings  per  common  share  in  $                $        0.45    $        0.39    $      (0.06)
Diluted  earnings  per  common  share  in  $            $        0.43    $        0.37    $      (0.06)
Weighted  average  number  of  shares  of  common                                                                  
  stock  (in  thousands):                                                                                                            
Basic                                                                                  245,300        246,842        249,668  
Diluted                                                                              255,167        256,162        249,668  
NXP  Semiconductors                                                                                                                    
Table  2:  Condensed  consolidated  balance  sheet  (unaudited)                                      
($  in  millions)                                                                                        As  of                        
                                                                                              March  30,    Dec.  31,  March  31,
                                                                                                    2014            2013            2013    
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Current  assets:                                                                                                                          
    Cash  and  cash  equivalents                                        $          720  $          670  $          595
    Accounts  receivable  -  net                                                    556              501              464
    Other  receivables                                                                      34                41                48
    Assets  held  for  sale                                                                11                13                10
    Inventories                                                                                740              740              730
    Other  current  assets                                                              126              127              109
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Total  current  assets                                                              2,187          2,092          1,956
Non-current  assets:                                                                                                                  
    Investments  in  equity-accounted  investees                      53                52                46
    Other  non-current  assets                                                      143              144              131
    Property,  plant  and  equipment                                        1,045          1,048          1,039
    Identified  intangible  assets                                              707              755              888
    Goodwill                                                                                  2,354          2,358          2,221
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Total  non-current  assets                                                      4,302          4,357          4,325
Total  assets                                                                              6,489          6,449          6,281
Current  liabilities:                                                                                                                
    Accounts  payable                                                                      558              544              513
    Liabilities  held  for  sale                                                        1                  1                  -
    Accrued  liabilities                                                                639              608              599
    Short-term  debt                                                                          37                40              291
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Total  current  liabilities                                                    1,235          1,193          1,403
Non-current  liabilities:                                                                                                        
    Long-term  debt                                                                      3,546          3,281          3,149
    Other  non-current  liabilities                                            425              429              454
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Total  non-current  liabilities                                            3,971          3,710          3,603
Non-controlling  interests                                                        259              245              248
Stockholders'  equity                                                              1,024          1,301          1,027
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Total  equity                                                                              1,283          1,546          1,275
Total  liabilities  and  equity                                              6,489          6,449          6,281
NXP  Semiconductors                                                                                                                    
Table  3:  Condensed  consolidated  statement  of  cash  flows  (unaudited)                  
($  in  millions)                                                                        Three  Months  Ended              
                                                                                        March  30,      Dec.  31,    March  31,  
                                                                                              2014              2013              2013      
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Cash  Flows  from  operating  activities                                                                                
Net  income  (loss)                                                      $          124    $          115    $            (1)
Adjustments  to  reconcile  net  income  (loss):                                                                  
    Depreciation  and  amortization                                      102                113                132  
    Stock-based  compensation                                                  28                  31                  17  
    Net  (gain)  loss  on  sale  of  assets                                  -                    -                  (1)
    (Gain)  loss  on  extinguishment  of  debt                          3                  54                  37  
    Results  relating  to  equity  accounted                                                                            
      investees                                                                              (1)                (6)              (47)
Changes  in  operating  assets  and                                                                                          
    (Increase)  decrease  in  trade  receivables                (55)                37                (15)
    (Increase)  decrease  in  inventories                                1                  13                (20)
    Increase  (decrease)  in  trade  payables                        14                  (4)              (44)
    (Increase)  decrease  in  other  receivables                  12                  10                  (8)
    Increase  (decrease)  in  other  payables                        35                (21)                17  
    Changes  in  deferred  taxes                                                  3                    1                    1  
Exchange  differences                                                                2                (31)                53  
Other  items                                                                                  5                    2                  (2)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  cash  provided  by  (used  for)  operating                                                                      
  activities                                                                              273                314                119  
Cash  flows  from  investing  activities:                                                                              
    Purchase  of  identified  intangible  assets                  (9)                (8)                (6)
    Capital  expenditures  on  property,  plant                                                                      
      and  equipment                                                                    (51)              (71)              (41)
    Proceeds  from  disposals  of  property,                                                                            
      plant  and  equipment                                                            1                    1                    2  
    Proceeds  from  disposals  of  assets  held                                                                        
      for  sale                                                                                  3                    -                    -  
    Proceeds  from  sale  of  interests  in                                                                                
      businesses                                                                              -                    3                    -  
    Proceeds  from  return  of  equity  investment                  -                    3                    -  
    Other                                                                                          -                  (3)                  2  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  cash  (used  for)  provided  by  investing                                                                      
  activities                                                                              (56)              (75)              (43)
Cash  flows  from  financing  activities:                                                                              
    Net  (repayments)  borrowings  of  short-term                                                                  
      debt                                                                                        (1)                (2)                (1)
    Repayments  under  the  revolving  credit                                                                          
      facility                                                                            (100)                  -              (280)
    Amounts  drawn  under  the  revolving  credit                                                                    
      facility                                                                              450                150                180  
    Repurchase  of  long-term  debt                                        (92)            (575)            (980)
    Principal  payments  on  long-term  debt                          (1)                (7)                (4)
    Net  proceeds  from  the  issuance  of  long-                                                                      
      term  debt                                                                                -                    1                990  
    Dividends  paid  to  non-controlling                                                                                  
      interests                                                                                -                  (1)                  -  
    Purchase  of  non-controlling  interests                                                                          
      (shares)                                                                                  -                (12)                  -  
    Cash  proceeds  from  exercise  of  stock                                                                            
      options                                                                                  40                  98                  40  
    Purchase  of  treasury  shares                                        (458)            (163)              (35)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  cash  provided  by  (used  for)  financing                                                                      
  activities                                                                            (162)            (511)              (90)
Effect  of  changes  in  exchange  rates  on  cash                                                                  
  positions                                                                                  (5)                  1                  (8)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Increase  (decrease)  in  cash  and  cash                                                                                
  equivalents                                                                              50              (271)              (22)
Cash  and  cash  equivalents  at  beginning  of                                                                      
  period                                                                                      670                941                617  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Cash  and  cash  equivalents  at  end  of  period                720                670                595  
Non-Cash  Financing                                                                                                                    
Exchange  of  Term  Loan  C  for  Term  Loan  D                          -                400                    -  
Exchange  of  Term  Loan  A1  for  Term  Loan  E                    400                    -                    -  
NXP  Semiconductors                                                                                                                    
Table  4:  Reconciliation  of  GAAP  to  non-GAAP  Segment  Results  (unaudited)          
($  in  millions)                                                                        Three  Months  Ended              
                                                                                        March  30,      Dec.  31,    March  31,  
                                                                                              2014              2013              2013      
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
High  Performance  Mixed  Signal  (HPMS)                            912                957                776  
Standard  Products                                                                  295                294                279  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    Product  Revenue                                                              1,207            1,251            1,055  
Corporate  and  Other                                                                39                  42                  30  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
        Total  Revenue                                                      $      1,246    $      1,293    $      1,085  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
HPMS  Revenue                                                                $          912    $          957    $          776  
    Percent  of  Total  Revenue                                              73.2%            74.0%            71.5%
    HPMS  segment  GAAP  gross  profit                                    508                523                417  
        PPA  effects                                                                        (1)                (3)                  -  
        Restructuring                                                                      -                  (3)                (1)
        Stock  based  compensation                                              (2)                (2)                (1)
        Other  incidentals                                                              -                (10)                  -  
        Other  adjustments                                                              -                    -                (46)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    HPMS  segment  non-GAAP  gross  profit                $          511    $          541    $          465  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
        HPMS  segment  GAAP  gross  margin                              55.7%            54.6%            53.7%
        HPMS  segment  non-GAAP  gross  margin                      56.0%            56.5%            59.9%
    HPMS  segment  GAAP  operating  profit                            200                227                123  
        PPA  effects                                                                      (24)              (26)              (46)
        Restructuring                                                                    (2)                (2)                (1)
        Stock  based  compensation                                            (22)              (24)              (12)
        Other  incidentals                                                            (1)              (11)                (1)
        Other  adjustments                                                              -                    -                (46)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    HPMS  segment  non-GAAP  operating  profit        $          249    $          290    $          229  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
        HPMS  segment  GAAP  operating  margin                      21.9%            23.7%            15.9%
        HPMS  segment  non-GAAP  operating  margin              27.3%            30.3%            29.5%
    Standard  Products  Revenue                                  $          295    $          294    $          279  
    Percent  of  Total  Revenue                                              23.7%            22.7%            25.7%
    Standard  Products  segment  GAAP  gross                                                                            
      profit                                                                                    85                  66                  70  
        PPA  effects                                                                          -                  (1)                (1)
        Restructuring                                                                    (7)              (18)                (1)
        Stock  based  compensation                                              (1)                (1)                  -  
        Other  incidentals                                                            (5)                (6)                (1)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    Standard  Products  segment  non-GAAP  gross                                                                    
      profit                                                                      $            98    $            92    $            73  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
        Standard  Products  segment  GAAP  gross                                                                        
          margin                                                                            28.8%            22.4%            25.1%
        Standard  Products  segment  non-GAAP                                                                            
          gross  margin                                                                33.2%            31.3%            26.2%
    Standard  Products  segment  GAAP  operating                                                                    
      profit                                                                                    12                    2                    7  
        PPA  effects                                                                      (15)              (15)              (15)
        Restructuring                                                                  (15)              (18)                (1)
        Stock  based  compensation                                              (6)                (7)                (4)
        Other  incidentals                                                            (5)                (6)                (1)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    Standard  Products  segment  non-GAAP                                                                                
      operating  profit                                                  $            53    $            48    $            28  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
        Standard  Products  segment  GAAP                                                                                    
          operating  margin                                                          4.1%              0.7%              2.5%
        Standard  Products  segment  non-GAAP                                                                            
          operating  margin                                                        18.0%            16.3%            10.0%
    Corporate  and  Other  Revenue                              $            39    $            42    $            30  
    Percent  of  Total  Revenue                                                3.1%              3.3%              2.8%
    Corporate  and  Other  segment  GAAP  gross                                                                        
      profit                                                                                    (8)                  -                  (4)
        PPA  effects                                                                        (2)                (2)                (2)
        Restructuring                                                                  (16)                  -                    -  
        Stock  based  compensation                                                -                    -                    -  
        Other  incidentals                                                              2                  (1)                (1)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    Corporate  and  Other  segment  non-GAAP                                                                            
      gross  profit                                                          $              8    $              3    $            (1)
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
        Corporate  and  Other  segment  GAAP  gross                                                                    
          margin                                                                          -20.5%              0.0%          -13.3%
        Corporate  and  Other  segment  non-GAAP                                                                        
          gross  margin                                                                20.5%              7.1%            -3.3%
    Corporate  and  Other  segment  GAAP                                                                                    
      operating  profit                                                              (29)              (31)              (15)
        PPA  effects                                                                        (7)                (6)                (6)
        Restructuring                                                                  (16)                (3)                (2)
        Stock  based  compensation                                                -                    -                  (1)
        Other  incidentals                                                            (5)                (8)                (4)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    Corporate  and  Other  segment  non-GAAP                                                                            
      operating  profit                                                  $            (1)  $          (14)  $            (2)
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
        Corporate  and  Other  segment  GAAP                                                                                
          operating  margin                                                      -74.4%          -73.8%          -50.0%
        Corporate  and  Other  segment  non-GAAP                                                                        
          operating  margin                                                        -2.6%          -33.3%            -6.7%
NXP  Semiconductors                                                                                                                    
Table  5:  Financial  Reconciliation  of  GAAP  to  non-GAAP  Results  (unaudited)      
($  in  millions  except  share  data)                                Three  Months  Ended                  
                                                                                  March  30,            Dec.  31,    March  31,  
                                                                                        2014                    2013              2013      
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Revenue                                                                    $      1,246          $      1,293    $      1,085  
GAAP  Gross  profit                                                $          585          $          589    $          483  
    PPA  effects                                                                      (3)                      (6)                (3)
    Restructuring                                                                (23)                    (21)                (2)
    Stock  Based  Compensation                                            (3)                      (3)                (1)
    Other  incidentals                                                          (3)                    (17)                (2)
    Other  adjustments                                                            -                          -                (46)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Gross  profit                                        $          617          $          636    $          537  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Gross  margin                                                          47.0%                  45.6%            44.5%
Non-GAAP  Gross  margin                                                  49.5%                  49.2%            49.5%
    GAAP  Research  and  development                    $        (189)        $        (168)  $        (153)
        PPA  effects                                                                    -                          -                    -  
        Restructuring                                                              (9)                        1                    -  
        Stock  based  compensation                                        (3)                      (5)                (3)
        Other  incidentals                                                      (1)                      (1)                (1)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
    Non-GAAP  Research  and  development            $        (176)        $        (163)  $        (149)
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
    GAAP  Selling,  general  and                                                                                                  
      administrative                                                $        (213)        $        (224)  $        (222)
        PPA  effects                                                                (41)                    (41)              (64)
        Restructuring                                                              (1)                      (3)                (2)
        Stock  based  compensation                                      (22)                    (23)              (13)
        Other  incidentals                                                      (8)                      (7)                (3)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
    Non-GAAP  Selling,  general  and                                                                                          
      administrative                                                $        (141)        $        (150)  $        (140)
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
    GAAP  Other  income  (expense)                        $              -          $              1    $              7  
        PPA  effects                                                                  (2)                        -                    -  
        Restructuring                                                                -                          -                    -  
        Other  incidentals                                                        1                          -                    -  
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
    Non-GAAP  Other  income  (expense)                $              1          $              1    $              7  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Operating  income  (loss)                          $          183          $          198    $          115  
    PPA  effects                                                                    (46)                    (47)              (67)
    Restructuring                                                                (33)                    (23)                (4)
    Stock  based  compensation                                          (28)                    (31)              (17)
    Other  incidentals                                                        (11)                    (25)                (6)
    Other  adjustments                                                            -                          -                (46)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Operating  income  (loss)                  $          301          $          324    $          255  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Operating  margin                                                  14.7%                  15.3%            10.6%
Non-GAAP  Operating  margin                                          24.2%                  25.1%            23.5%
GAAP  Financial  income  (expense)                    $          (45)        $          (79)  $        (152)
    Foreign  exchange  gain  (loss)  on  debt                    (2)                      31                (53)
    Gain  (loss)  on  extinguishment  of  long                                                                          
      term  debt                                                                        (3)                    (54)              (37)
    Other  financial  expense                                              (6)                    (17)              (13)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Financial  income  (expense)            $          (34)        $          (39)  $          (49)
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Income  tax  benefit  (provision)            $          (15)        $          (10)  $          (11)
    Other  adjustments                                                        (11)                        3                  (4)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Cash  tax  (expense)                            $            (4)        $          (13)  $            (7)
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Results  relating  to  equity-                                                                                        
  accounted  investees                                          $              1          $              6    $            47  
    Other  adjustments                                                            1                          6                  47  
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Results  relating  to  equity-                                                                                
  accounted  investees                                          $              -          $              -    $              -  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Net  income  (loss)                                      $          124          $          115    $            (1)
    PPA  effects                                                                    (46)                    (47)              (67)
    Restructuring                                                                (33)                    (23)                (4)
    Stock  based  compensation                                          (28)                    (31)              (17)
    Other  incidentals                                                        (11)                    (25)                (6)
    Other  adjustments                                                        (21)  1)              (31)            (106)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
  Non-GAAP  Net  income  (loss)                            $          263          $          272    $          199  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
  GAAP  Net  income  (loss)  attributable  to                                                                          
  stockholders                                                        $          110          $            96    $          (14)
    PPA  effects                                                                    (46)                    (47)              (67)
    Restructuring                                                                (33)                    (23)                (4)
    Stock  based  compensation                                          (28)                    (31)              (17)
    Other  incidentals                                                        (11)                    (25)                (6)
    Other  adjustments                                                        (21)                    (31)            (106)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Net  income  (loss)  attributable                                                                          
  to  stockholders                                                  $          249          $          253    $          186  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Weighted  average  shares  -  diluted          255,167              256,162        249,668  
    Non-GAAP  Adjustment                                                        -                          -            8,157  
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Weighted  average  shares  -                                                                                    
  diluted                                                                      255,167              256,162        257,825  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Diluted  net  income  (loss)                                                                                            
  attributable  to  stockholders  per  share    $        0.43          $        0.37    $      (0.06)
Non-GAAP  Diluted  net  income  (loss)                                                                                    
  attributable  to  stockholders  per  share    $        0.98          $        0.99    $        0.72  
1)  Includes:  During  1Q14:  Foreign  exchange  loss  on  debt:  ($2)  million;  Loss  on  extinguishment  of  long-term  debt:  ($3)  million;  Other  financial
expense:  ($6)  million;  Results  relating  to  equity-accounted  investees:  $1  million;  and  difference  between  book  and  cash  income  taxes:  ($11)      
NXP  Semiconductors                                                                                                                    
Table  6:  Adjusted  EBITDA  and  Free  Cash  Flow  (unaudited)                                          
($  in  millions)                                                                        Three  Months  Ended              
                                                                                        March  30,      Dec.  31,    March  31,  
                                                                                              2014              2013              2013      
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  Income                                                                    $          124    $          115    $            (1)
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
Reconciling  items  to  EBITDA                                                                                                  
    Financial  (income)  expense                                              45                  79                152  
    (Benefit)  provision  for  income  taxes                          15                  10                  11  
    Depreciation                                                                          52                  61                  61  
    Amortization                                                                          50                  52                  71  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
EBITDA                                                                            $          286    $          317    $          294  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
Reconciling  items  to  adjusted  EBITDA                                                                                
    Results  of  equity-accounted  investees                        (1)                (6)              (47)
    Restructuring  1)                                                                  33                  21                    4  
    Stock  based  compensation                                                  28                  31                  17  
    Other  incidental  items  1)                                                11                  24                    5  
    Other  adjustments                                                                  -                    -                  46  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Adjusted  EBITDA                                                          $          357    $          387    $          319  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
Trailing  twelve  month  adjusted  EBITDA              $      1,414    $      1,376    $      1,195  
1)  Excluding  depreciation  property,  plant  and  equipment  and  amortization        
  software  related  to:                                                                                                              
        Restructuring                                                                      -                    2                    -  
        Other  incidental  items                                                    -                    1                    1  
($  in  millions)                                                                        Three  Months  Ended              
                                                                                        March  30,      Dec.  31,    March  31,  
                                                                                              2014              2013              2013      
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  cash  provided  by  (used  for)  operating                                                                      
  activities                                                                  $          273    $          314    $          119  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
Net  capital  expenditures  on  property,  plant                                                                  
  and  equipment                                                                        (50)              (70)              (39)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  free  cash  flow                                          $          223    $          244    $            80  
Non-GAAP  free  cash  flow  as  a  percent  of                                                                          
  Revenue                                                                                      18%                19%                  7%

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Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering Manager for Google at Sunnyvale, California
Manufacturing Test Engineer for Google at Prague, Czechia, Czech Republic
Equipment Engineer, Raxium for Google at Fremont, California
Senior Principal Mechanical Engineer for General Dynamics Mission Systems at Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
Mechanical Test Engineer, Platforms Infrastructure for Google at Mountain View, California
Principal Engineer for Autodesk at San Francisco, California
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