ARC Market Research Study Show Bentley’s Unique SELECT Subscription Model Is the Revenue Leader in SaaS in EDT Market
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ARC Market Research Study Show Bentley’s Unique SELECT Subscription Model Is the Revenue Leader in SaaS in EDT Market

The ARC Advisory Group recently released a market study showing that Bentley’s SELECT licensing model is the market leader in the software as a service deployment model in the Engineering Design Tools (EDT) market. The ARC study segments supplier revenues generated from fees from both software licenses and services associated with the software solution. Business models vary, but typically a supplier’s standard end-user license agreement provides for an initial fee to use the product in perpetuity, based on a maximum number of concurrent users or seats. Some business models (such as Bentley’s SELECTservices) are based on software as a service (or as Bentley characterizes its offerings – software at your service) or subscription services. Software as a service can have multiple deployment models, including on-site, hosted, and on-demand (or cloud-based).

The Engineering Design Tools (EDT) market study shows Bentley as the leading SaaS supplier in that market based on revenues. According to the ARC, as projects become more complex, spanning a broad diversity of stakeholders and solutions, software as a service is likely to become the deployment model of choice.


Andy Chatha, president and founder, ARC Advisory Group, said, “As the number and complexity of EDT and GIS applications has grown, utilization of cloud services has emerged as an efficient and effective delivery mode for many organizations, particularly for projects that are distributed across the globe and have multiple stakeholders. ARC recognized this shift early on and, in 2012, we introduced new charts looking at suppliers’ revenues for software on demand and software as a service.  Bentley Systems has successfully used this model for over a decade for the company’s SELECTservices and now accounts for nearly 75 percent of Bentley’s applications and solutions revenues.”

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Engineering Design Tools for Plants and Infrastructure – published August 22, 2014