What's Up in Earth Observation- ImagineGEO #6 Newsletter
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What's Up in Earth Observation- ImagineGEO #6 Newsletter

February 2015
Instant Tasking – Subscribe Today and Save Big!
Instant Tasking is a 24/7 premium online tasking service, which enables you to get the fastest access to new satellite imagery. To increase savings on this service, Airbus Defense and Space has launched a new yearly subscription offer.
Learn more about the subscription benefits…
New Pricing for the SPOT Family
After 13 years of reliable service, the end of SPOT 5's commercial life is now scheduled to end in March. No worries though, with the recent operational commissioning of SPOT 7, the succession is more than assured. In honor of this momentous occasion, the SPOT price list has been adapted, integrating special rates for SPOT 6 & SPOT 7 6m resolution multispectral images (4 bands) as the logical continuation to the SPOT 5 10m and 5m color products.

• Pricing for 1.5m Panchromatic products

• Reduced prices for Priority and Emergency Tasking services

• Reduced pricing for Stereo & Tristereo data (archive and tasking)

• Conditions for academic licenses
Discover the new price list…
Benefit From Our Growing Archives!
Our unique constellation capacity allows us to build and offer optical and radar imagery archives that are fully in line with our clients' needs. When talking about useful imagery archives, Apollo Mapping attests to us doing a great job! See our very attractive Archive Offers… and stay tuned for more to come!
Explore our archives…
FOCUS – Our Resolution, Your Satisfaction
The results of our new Customer Satisfaction Improvement Program called FOCUS are in: 88% of customers are fully satisfied with our products and services and the way we provide them.
Discover more insights on the survey results…
Case Study: Pléiades Imagery Supports RS Metrics in Measuring Sales Trends for Wall Street
Is there a link between Pléiades and retail parking? Indeed, there is! Pléiades imagery is used to analyze retail parking lots to determine year-over-year traffic growth, market share, forecasts, etc. for many of the most well-respected investment firms on Wall St., and some of the largest US retailers and real estate investors/brokers.
Want to learn more? Read the full story…
IDEX Int. Defense Exhibition & Conference, Abu Dhabi: February 22-25

SIMA Paris International Agri Business Show, Paris, France: February 22-26

Imagery & Beyond Oil & Gas Customer Workshop, London, UK: March 02

APPEX Oil & Gas, London, UK: March 03-05

Locate 15, Brisbane, Australia: March 10-12

World Bank Land & Poverty Conference, Washington DC, USA: March 23-25

BAPCO 2015
, Manchester, UK: March 31-April 01
  Your opinion is very much appreciated, please don't hesitate to provide feedback
at imaginegeo@astrium-geo.com.

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