British Cartographic Society Annual Awards 2015
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British Cartographic Society Annual Awards 2015

Mar 24, 2015 -- The British Cartographic Society Awards are designed to encourage entrants from all disciplines in cartography, and to showcase products created through traditional or new, even experimental, techniques. We aim to help promote the best of cartographic products and highlight good cartographic design in the UK and abroad. You do not have to be a BCS member or a UK resident to enter. There are five categories of award and the winners in each of the first four categories are then eligible for the overall BCS Award. As the Google Award is a one-of it is not eligible for the BCS Award. Entries are invited from around the world and the closing date is 30th April 2015 for the first four awards and 30th June 2015 for the Google Award. Entries must have been produced in the last 12 months.

The Stanfords Award for Printed Mapping
This award is open to any mapping in the printed form, whether it be a poster, folded sheet map, atlas or page from a book and is sponsored by Stanfords.

The Avenza Award for Electronic Mapping
This award is for electronic mapping products and is sponsored by Avenza.

The John C. Bartholomew Award for Thematic Mapping
This award is presented for originality and excellence in the field of thematic (non-topographic) cartography with emphasis on effective communication of the intended theme or themes. Traditionally this award has been given for originality and excellence in the field of small scale thematic cartography. This year, however, we have opened up the award to thematic cartography at any scale, and delivered via any medium.

The OS OpenData Award
The OS OpenData Award is sponsored by the Ordnance Survey for excellence in cartographic design and the innovative and exciting use of OS OpenData.

The Google Award for mapping of the UK General Election results

This year we are also introducing a further one-off award for maps that depict the results of the UK General Election 2015. This award is sponsored by Google and as a one-off award for a specific event is not eligible for the overall BCS Award.

Full details, rules and entry forms for all of the awards can be found at:

Peter Jones

President of the British Cartographic Society

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