Exprodat Supports OGA Exploration Licence Competition
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Exprodat Supports OGA Exploration Licence Competition

Apr 5, 2016 -- Exprodat, the oil and gas ArcGIS platform specialist, has announced that they will support all companies who decide to enter the newly released Oil and Gas Authority Exploration Licence Competition with access to their market-leading basin and play assessment software Exploration Analyst.

The OGA has launched the competition to stimulate more oil and gas exploration throughout the UK Continental Shelf by challenging geoscientists to develop new interpretations of data from less-developed areas of the region.

In the words of Gunther Newcombe, OGA Exploration and Production Director; “We hope this competition will lead to a greater understanding of some of the UK’s frontier areas and capture the imagination of some of the brightest minds in the highly talented geoscience community.”

Exprodat, a company that specialises in helping oil and gas companies make better exploration decisions through the combination and analysis of data, wants to support all entrants by making licences of Exploration Analyst available through its competition support programme. Exploration Analyst was designed specifically for geoscientists in oil and gas exploration or new ventures departments and is an extension to Esri’s ArcGIS platform.

Chris Jepps, Technical Director for Exprodat, explains why Exprodat took the decision to make its software available for the OGA competition; “Our customers who use Exploration Analyst tell us that it is an invaluable tool for spotting previously unidentified trends and patterns in basin and play assessment, and that ties in very nicely with the theme of the exploration license competition which is to deploy new and innovative technologies and geologic concepts in order to revitalise exploration across the UKCS.”

“By making our software available to competition participants we believe that it will help them spot new trends, shortcut interpretation workflows to meet the tight competition deadlines and, potentially crucially, present their results in a consistent and familiar fashion that enables OGA to more easily identify the winning entries.

For more information on Exploration Analyst and to request a trial version email Exprodat: Email Contact  

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