FINALCAD at BIM World to Put Boots on BIM
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FINALCAD at BIM World to Put Boots on BIM

PARIS — (BUSINESS WIRE) — April 6, 2016FINALCAD will participate in the BIM World 2016 event, that is being held on the 6th and 7th April in Paris. FINALCAD will present their unique approach that challenges BIM to the reality of the field : this vision is detailed in the white paper “BIM with boots on”.

“Without the work of FINALCAD and other similar organisations helping to deliver and collect accurate data on construction sites, there will be no BIM Level 3” says Nick Tune, coBuilder UK CEO and buildingSMART UK Board Member. In positioning itself as the BIM-enabler for the field, FINALCAD ensures a digital continuum between design and the construction site. It allows both the extraction of useful information for the field or operational site with associated 3D views from BIM, and the ascension of workers observations. This keeps the model alive from the design phase onwards.

“The investments realized by the enterprises on BIM during the study phase are highly significant, but rarely depreciate during the lifecycle of a construction project. The duplication of models between design and construction, the double inventories of construction and operation, are still major features. FINALCAD feeds a unique virtual twin, the only true construction archive” said Jimmy Louchart, co-founder and President of FINALCAD.

The exchange of information between BIM and the field that FINALCAD proposes has been put to the test on several pilot sites, notably by Bouygues Construction in France, and Shimizu Corporation in Singapore. “In Singapore, many new projects are fully designed using BIM. And, beyond design, our company has been utilising BIM for the benefit of construction sites, such as construction planning. FINALCAD provides us with a new method for delivering BIM on the field, along with quality controls and realtime progress monitoring.” said Aoi Atsushi, Changi General Hospital Medical Centre Project Manager, Shimizu Corporation.

FINALCAD will participate in the BIM World event on booth #123, and will intervene in several occasions on innovations in BIM, augmented reality and smart data :

The white paper “BIM with boots on” will be distributed for free during the BIM World event (subject to the limits of availability), and freely downloaded from

The 3D visualization functionalities, descent and ascension of BIM information, are available from now on in the version 2.0 of FINALCAD for Android, with the Enterprise plan.


FINALCAD provides the mobile platform and predictive analytics that help construction stakeholders anticipate and fix issues found during the building’s journey. Our mission: increase quality, reduce its cost and make it accessible to all. Since 2011, FINALCAD has helped more than 8000 projects in 30 countries, and keeps on advancing the digital transition of the construction industry. For more information, visit