HP Inc. Reports Second Quarter Fiscal 2016 Results

                          HP INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES                          
                               (In millions)                                
                                                 Six months ended April 30, 
                                                     2016         2015(a)   
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Cash flows from operating activities:                                       
  Net earnings                                   $      1,221  $      2,377 
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net                              
   cash provided by operating activities:                                   
    Depreciation and amortization                         164         2,031 
    Stock-based compensation expense                      101           316 
    Provision for doubtful accounts and inventory          45           164 
    Restructuring charges                                 120           401 
    Deferred taxes on earnings                            600             - 
    Excess tax benefit from stock-based                                     
     compensation                                          (2)         (118)
    Other, net                                            (95)          297 
    Changes in operating assets and liabilities                             
     (net of acquisitions):                                                 
      Accounts receivable                                     894                  1,494  
            Financing  receivables                                                                  -                      245  
            Inventory                                                                                      722                        53  
            Accounts  payable                                                                  (1,063)                  (892)
            Taxes  on  earnings                                                                    (505)                      85  
            Restructuring                                                                              (68)                  (703)
            Other  assets  and  liabilities                                              (667)              (3,542)
                                                                                                  ------------    ------------  
                Net  cash  provided  by  operating  activities              1,467                  2,208  
                                                                                                  ------------    ------------  
Cash  flows  from  investing  activities:                                                                              
    Investment  in  property,  plant  and  equipment                        (206)              (1,726)
    Proceeds  from  sale  of  property,  plant  and                                                                  
      equipment                                                                                                -                      211  
    Purchases  of  available-for-sale  securities  and                                                        
      other  investments                                                                          (122)                  (108)
    Maturities  and  sales  of  available-for-sale                                                                
      securities  and  other  investments                                                12                      123  
    Proceeds  from  business  divestiture                                              61                          -  
    Payments  made  in  connection  with  business                                                                  
      acquisitions                                                                                          -                    (139)
                                                                                                  ------------    ------------  
        Net  cash  used  in  investing  activities                                (255)              (1,639)
                                                                                                  ------------    ------------  
Cash  flows  from  financing  activities:                                                                              
    Short-term  borrowings  with  original  maturities                                                        
      less  than  90  days,  net                                                                    39                  1,858  
    Proceeds  from  debt,  net  of  issuance  costs                                  4                  1,587  
    Payment  of  debt                                                                            (2,158)              (1,895)
    Settlement  of  cash  flow  hedge                                                          6                          -  
    Net  transfer  of  cash  and  cash  equivalents  to                                                            
      Hewlett  Packard  Enterprise  Company                                  (10,375)                        -  
    Issuance  of  common  stock  under  employee  stock                                                          
      plans                                                                                                        9                      223  
    Repurchase  of  common  stock                                                      (1,102)              (2,230)
    Excess  tax  benefit  from  stock-based                                                                              
      compensation                                                                                          2                      118  
    Cash  dividends  paid                                                                        (434)                  (595)
                                                                                                  ------------    ------------  
        Net  cash  used  in  financing  activities                          (14,009)                  (934)
                                                                                                  ------------    ------------  
Decrease  in  cash  and  cash  equivalents                                  (12,797)                  (365)
Cash  and  cash  equivalents  at  beginning  of                                                                      
  period(a)                                                                                          17,433                15,133  
                                                                                                  ------------    ------------  
Cash  and  cash  equivalents  at  end  of  period              $            4,636    $          14,768  
                                                                                                  ============    ============  
(a)  The  consolidated  condensed  statement  of  cash  flows  for  the  six  months      
        ended  April  30,  2015  represents  the  combined  cash  flows  of  HP  prior  to    
        separation,  as  previously  filed,  and  has  not  been  adjusted  to  reflect      
        the  effect  of  the  separation  of  Hewlett  Packard  Enterprise  Company.          
                                                    HP  INC.  AND  SUBSIDIARIES                                                    
                                                        SEGMENT  INFORMATION                                                          
                                                              (In  millions)                                                                
                                                                                                Three  months  ended                    
                                                                              April  30,      January  31,      April  30,    
                                                                                    2016                  2016                  2015        
                                                                            -----------    -----------    -----------  
Net  revenue:(a)                                                                                                                          
    Personal  Systems                                        $          6,990    $          7,467    $          7,759  
    Printing                                                                    4,637                4,642                5,508  
    Corporate  Investments                                                  3                        3                        2  
                                                                            -----------    -----------    -----------  
        Total  segments                                                  11,630              12,112              13,269  
    Intersegment  net  revenue                                                                                                    
      eliminations  and  other                                          (42)                  134                  (292)
                                                                            -----------    -----------    -----------  
        Total  net  revenue                                  $        11,588    $        12,246    $        12,977  
                                                                            ===========    ===========    ===========  
Earnings  from  continuing  operations                                                                                  
  before  taxes:(a)                                                                                                                      
    Personal  Systems                                        $              242    $              229    $              227  
    Printing                                                                        801                    787                    982  
    Corporate  Investments                                                (8)                  (23)                  (15)
                                                                            -----------    -----------    -----------  
        Total  segment  earnings  from                                                                                          
          operations                                                          1,035                    993                1,194  
    Corporate  and  unallocated  costs  and                                                                              
      eliminations                                                              (88)                  (16)                (164)
    Stock-based  compensation  expense                        (40)                  (61)                  (59)
    Restructuring  charges                                            (100)                  (20)                    (7)
    Amortization  of  intangible  assets                        (6)                    (8)                  (25)
    Non-operating  retirement-related                                                                                    
      credits(a)                                                                    40                      40                      58  
    Interest  and  other,  net                                            (5)                  (94)                  (78)
                                                                            -----------    -----------    -----------  
        Total  earnings  from  continuing                                                                                    
          operations  before  taxes                    $              836    $              834    $              919  
                                                                            ===========    ===========    ===========  
(a)  Effective  at  the  beginning  of  its  first  quarter  of  fiscal  2016,  HP            
        implemented  a  reporting  change  to  provide  better  transparency  to  its        
        segment  operating  results.  This  reporting  change  resulted  in  the                
        exclusion  of  certain  market-related  factors  such  as  interest  cost,            
        expected  return  on  plan  assets,  amortized  actuarial  gains/losses,  and      
        impacts  from  other  market-related  factors  related  to  its  defined  benefit
        pension  and  post-retirement  benefit  plans  from  its  segment  operating        
        results  ("Non-operating  retirement-related  credits").  This  change  also    
        resulted  in  the  exclusion  of  certain  plan  curtailments,  settlements  and  
        special  termination  benefits  related  to  its  defined  benefit  pension  and  
        post-retirement  benefit  plans  from  HP's  segment  operating  results.            
        Segment  operating  results  will  continue  to  include  service  costs  and        
        amortization  of  prior  service  costs  associated  with  HP's  defined  benefit
        pension  and  post-retirement  benefit  plans.  The  reporting  change  had  an    
        immaterial  impact  to  previously  reported  segment  net  revenue  and                
        earnings  from  operations.  This  change  had  no  impact  on  HP's  previously    
        reported  consolidated  net  revenue,  earnings  from  operations,  net                
        earnings  or  net  earnings  per  share.                                                                          
                                                    HP  INC.  AND  SUBSIDIARIES                                                    
                                                        SEGMENT  INFORMATION                                                          
                                                              (In  millions)                                                                
                                                                                                  Six  months  ended  April  30,  
                                                                                                          2016                    2015          
                                                                                                  ------------    ------------  
Net  revenue:(a)                                                                                                                          
    Personal  Systems                                                              $          14,457    $          16,321  
    Printing                                                                                            9,279                11,104  
    Corporate  Investments                                                                          6                        14  
                                                                                                  ------------    ------------  
        Total  segments                                                                          23,742                27,439  
    Intersegment  net  revenue  eliminations  and  other                    92                    (604)
                                                                                                  ------------    ------------  
        Total  net  revenue                                                        $          23,834    $          26,835  
                                                                                                  ============    ============  
Earnings  from  continuing  operations  before                                                                    
    Personal  Systems                                                              $                471    $                530  
    Printing                                                                                            1,588                  2,032  
    Corporate  Investments                                                                      (31)                    (20)
                                                                                                  ------------    ------------  
        Total  segment  earnings  from  operations                            2,028                  2,542  
    Corporate  and  unallocated  costs  and                                                                              
      eliminations                                                                                    (104)                  (360)
    Stock-based  compensation  expense                                              (101)                  (110)
    Restructuring  charges                                                                    (120)                    (21)
    Amortization  of  intangible  assets                                              (14)                    (52)
    Impairment  of  goodwill  and  intangible  assets                            -                          -  
    Non-operating  retirement-related  credits(a)                            80                      116  
    Interest  and  other,  net                                                                  (99)                  (199)
                                                                                                  ------------    ------------  
        Total  earnings  from  continuing  operations                                                              
          before  taxes                                                                $            1,670    $            1,916  
                                                                                                  ============    ============  
(a)  Effective  at  the  beginning  of  its  first  quarter  of  fiscal  2016,  HP            
        implemented  a  reporting  change  to  provide  better  transparency  to  its        
        segment  operating  results.  This  reporting  change  resulted  in  the                
        exclusion  of  certain  market-related  factors  such  as  interest  cost,            
        expected  return  on  plan  assets,  amortized  actuarial  gains/losses,  and      
        impacts  from  other  market-related  factors  related  to  its  defined  benefit
        pension  and  post-retirement  benefit  plans  from  its  segment  operating        
        results  ("Non-operating  retirement-related  credits").  This  change  also    
        resulted  in  the  exclusion  of  certain  plan  curtailments,  settlements  and  
        special  termination  benefits  related  to  its  defined  benefit  pension  and  
        post-retirement  benefit  plans  from  HP's  segment  operating  results.            
        Segment  operating  results  will  continue  to  include  service  costs  and        
        amortization  of  prior  service  costs  associated  with  HP's  defined  benefit
        pension  and  post-retirement  benefit  plans.  The  reporting  change  had  an    
        immaterial  impact  to  previously  reported  segment  net  revenue  and                
        earnings  from  operations.  This  change  had  no  impact  on  HP's  previously    
        reported  consolidated  net  revenue,  earnings  from  operations,  net                
        earnings  or  net  earnings  per  share.                                                                          
                                                  HP  INC.  AND  SUBSIDIARIES                                                      
                                          SEGMENT/BUSINESS  UNIT  INFORMATION                                            
                                                              (In  millions)                                                                
                                                          Three  months  ended                            Change  (%)          
                                        -----------------------------------    -----------------    
                                          April  30,    January  31,      April  30,                                          
                                              2016                  2016                2015              Q/Q              Y/Y        
                                        ----------    -----------    ----------    -------      -------    
Net  revenue:(a)                                                                                                                          
    Personal  Systems                                                                                                                    
        Notebooks              $        3,838    $          4,205    $        4,170              (9%)            (8%)
        Desktops                          2,402                2,527              2,762              (5%)          (13%)
        Workstations                      461                    444                  513                4%            (10%)
        Other                                    289                    291                  314              (1%)            (8%)
                                        ----------    -----------    ----------                                          
              Systems                      6,990                7,467              7,759              (6%)          (10%)
                                        ----------    -----------    ----------                                          
        Supplies                          3,099                3,101              3,684              (0%)          (16%)
          Hardware                        1,227                1,219              1,376                1%            (11%)
          Hardware                            311                    322                  448              (3%)          (31%)
                                        ----------    -----------    ----------                                          
              Printing                    4,637                4,642              5,508              (0%)          (16%)
                                        ----------    -----------    ----------                                          
      Investments                              3                        3                      2                0%              50%  
                                        ----------    -----------    ----------                                          
              segments                  11,630              12,112            13,269              (4%)          (12%)
                                        ----------    -----------    ----------                                          
    Intersegment  net                                                                                                                    
      eliminations  and                                                                                                                  
      other(b)                                (42)                  134                (292)            NM                NM    
                                        ----------    -----------    ----------                                          
        Total  net                                                                                                                              
          revenue                $      11,588    $        12,246    $      12,977              (5%)          (11%)
                                        ==========    ===========    ==========                                          
(a)  Effective  at  the  beginning  of  its  first  quarter  of  fiscal  2016,  HP            
        implemented  a  reporting  change  to  provide  better  transparency  to  its        
        segment  operating  results.  This  reporting  change  resulted  in  the                
        exclusion  of  certain  market-related  factors  such  as  interest  cost,            
        expected  return  on  plan  assets,  amortized  actuarial  gains/losses,  and      
        impacts  from  other  market-related  factors  related  to  its  defined  benefit
        pension  and  post-retirement  benefit  plans  from  its  segment  operating        
        results  ("Non-operating  retirement-related  credits").  This  change  also    
        resulted  in  the  exclusion  of  certain  plan  curtailments,  settlements  and  
        special  termination  benefits  related  to  its  defined  benefit  pension  and  
        post-retirement  benefit  plans  from  HP's  segment  operating  results.            
        Segment  operating  results  will  continue  to  include  service  costs  and        
        amortization  of  prior  service  costs  associated  with  HP's  defined  benefit
        pension  and  post-retirement  benefit  plans.  The  reporting  change  had  an    
        immaterial  impact  to  previously  reported  segment  net  revenue  and                
        earnings  from  operations.  This  change  had  no  impact  on  HP's  previously    
        reported  consolidated  net  revenue,  earnings  from  operations,  net                
        earnings  or  net  earnings  per  share.                                                                          
(b)  "NM"  represents  not  meaningful.                                                                                  
                                                  HP  INC.  AND  SUBSIDIARIES                                                      
                                          SEGMENT/BUSINESS  UNIT  INFORMATION                                            
                                                              (In  millions)                                                                
                                                                        Six  months  ended  April  30,    Change  (%)    
                                                                        --------------------------    ----------    
                                                                                2016                    2015                    Y/Y          
                                                                        ------------    ------------    ----------    
Net  revenue:(a)                                                                                                                          
    Personal  Systems                                                                                                                    
        Notebooks                                              $            8,043    $            8,894                  (10%)
        Desktops                                                              4,929                  5,711                  (14%)
        Workstations                                                          905                  1,039                  (13%)
        Other                                                                        580                      677                  (14%)
                                                                        ------------    ------------                            
            Total  Personal  Systems                            14,457                16,321                  (11%)
                                                                        ------------    ------------                            
        Supplies                                                              6,200                  7,285                  (15%)
        Commercial  Hardware                                        2,446                  2,770                  (12%)
        Consumer  Hardware                                                633                  1,049                  (40%)
                                                                        ------------    ------------                            
            Total  Printing                                              9,279                11,104                  (16%)
                                                                        ------------    ------------                            
        Corporate  Investments                                            6                        14                  (57%)
                                                                        ------------    ------------                            
            Total  segments                                            23,742                27,439                  (13%)
                                                                        ------------    ------------                            
        Intersegment  net  revenue                                                                                                
          eliminations  and  other(b)                                92                    (604)                  NM    
                                                                        ------------    ------------                            
        Total  net  revenue                              $          23,834    $          26,835                  (11%)
                                                                        ============    ============                            
(a)  Effective  at  the  beginning  of  its  first  quarter  of  fiscal  2016,  HP            
        implemented  a  reporting  change  to  provide  better  transparency  to  its        
        segment  operating  results.  This  reporting  change  resulted  in  the                
        exclusion  of  certain  market-related  factors  such  as  interest  cost,            
        expected  return  on  plan  assets,  amortized  actuarial  gains/losses,  and      
        impacts  from  other  market-related  factors  related  to  its  defined  benefit
        pension  and  post-retirement  benefit  plans  from  its  segment  operating        
        results  ("Non-operating  retirement-related  credits").  This  change  also    
        resulted  in  the  exclusion  of  certain  plan  curtailments,  settlements  and  
        special  termination  benefits  related  to  its  defined  benefit  pension  and  
        post-retirement  benefit  plans  from  HP's  segment  operating  results.            
        Segment  operating  results  will  continue  to  include  service  costs  and        
        amortization  of  prior  service  costs  associated  with  HP's  defined  benefit
        pension  and  post-retirement  benefit  plans.  The  reporting  change  had  an    
        immaterial  impact  to  previously  reported  segment  net  revenue  and                
        earnings  from  operations.  This  change  had  no  impact  on  HP's  previously    
        reported  consolidated  net  revenue,  earnings  from  operations,  net                
        earnings  or  net  earnings  per  share.                                                                          
(b)  "NM"  represents  not  meaningful.                                                                                  
                                                    HP  INC.  AND  SUBSIDIARIES                                                    
                                      SEGMENT  OPERATING  MARGIN  SUMMARY  DATA                                        
                                                                                                                            Change  in          
                                                                                                                      Operating  Margin  
                                                            Three  months  ended                                (pts)              
                                            ---------------------------------      -----------------  
                                            April  30,    January  31,    April  30,                                          
                                                  2016                2016                2015              Q/Q              Y/Y      
                                            ---------    -----------    ---------      -------    --------  
Segment  operating                                                                                                                      
    Personal  Systems                    3.5%                  3.1%              2.9%    0.4  pts      0.6  pts  
    Printing                                  17.3%                17.0%            17.8%    0.3  pts    (0.5  pts)
      Investments(b)                        NM                      NM                  NM                NM                NM  
        Total  segments                    8.9%                  8.2%              9.0%    0.7  pts    (0.1  pts)
(a)  Effective  at  the  beginning  of  its  first  quarter  of  fiscal  2016,  HP            
        implemented  a  reporting  change  to  provide  better  transparency  to  its        
        segment  operating  results.  This  reporting  change  resulted  in  the                
        exclusion  of  certain  market-related  factors  such  as  interest  cost,            
        expected  return  on  plan  assets,  amortized  actuarial  gains/losses,  and      
        impacts  from  other  market-related  factors  related  to  its  defined  benefit
        pension  and  post-retirement  benefit  plans  from  its  segment  operating        
        results  ("Non-operating  retirement-related  credits").  This  change  also    
        resulted  in  the  exclusion  of  certain  plan  curtailments,  settlements  and  
        special  termination  benefits  related  to  its  defined  benefit  pension  and  
        post-retirement  benefit  plans  from  HP's  segment  operating  results.            
        Segment  operating  results  will  continue  to  include  service  costs  and        
        amortization  of  prior  service  costs  associated  with  HP's  defined  benefit
        pension  and  post-retirement  benefit  plans.  The  reporting  change  had  an    
        immaterial  impact  to  previously  reported  segment  net  revenue  and                
        earnings  from  operations.  This  change  had  no  impact  on  HP's  previously    
        reported  consolidated  net  revenue,  earnings  from  operations,  net                
        earnings  or  net  earnings  per  share.                                                                          
(b)  "NM"  represents  not  meaningful.                                                                                  
                                                    HP  INC.  AND  SUBSIDIARIES                                                    
                                CALCULATION  OF  DILUTED  NET  EARNINGS  PER  SHARE                              
                                      (In  millions,  except  per  share  amounts)                                    
                                                                                                  Three  months  ended                  
                                                                                April  30,      January  31,      April  30,  
                                                                                      2016                  2016                  2015      
                                                                              -----------    -----------    -----------
    GAAP  net  earnings  from  continuing                                                                                  
      operations                                                    $              660    $              650    $              733
                                                                              ===========    ===========    ===========
    Non-GAAP  net  earnings                                $              702    $              645    $              720
                                                                              ===========    ===========    ===========
    Weighted-average  shares  outstanding                                                                              
      during  the  reporting  period                              1,720                1,776                1,814
    Dilutive  effect  of  employee  stock                                                                                  
      plans(a)                                                                          11                        9                      22
                                                                              -----------    -----------    -----------
        Weighted-average  shares  used  to                                                                                  
          compute  diluted  net  earnings  per                                                                              
          share                                                                      1,731                1,785                1,836
                                                                              ===========    ===========    ===========
GAAP  diluted  net  earnings  per  share                                                                                  
  from  continuing  operations                        $            0.38    $            0.36    $            0.40
                                                                              ===========    ===========    ===========
Non-GAAP  diluted  net  earnings  per                                                                                      
  share                                                                  $            0.41    $            0.36    $            0.39
                                                                              ===========    ===========    ===========
(a)  Includes  any  dilutive  effect  of  restricted  stock  units,  stock  options      
        and  performance-based  awards.                                                                                      
                                                    HP  INC.  AND  SUBSIDIARIES                                                    
                                CALCULATION  OF  DILUTED  NET  EARNINGS  PER  SHARE                              
                                      (In  millions,  except  per  share  amounts)                                    
                                                                                                    Six  months  ended  April  30,
                                                                                                            2016                    2015        
                                                                                                    ------------    ------------
    GAAP  net  earnings  from  continuing  operations        $            1,310    $            1,503
                                                                                                    ============    ============
    Non-GAAP  net  earnings                                                      $            1,347    $            1,485
                                                                                                    ============    ============
    Weighted-average  shares  outstanding  during  the                                                        
      reporting  period                                                                            1,748                  1,824
    Dilutive  effect  of  employee  stock  plans(a)                                10                        24
                                                                                                    ------------    ------------
        Weighted-average  shares  used  to  compute                                                                  
          diluted  net  earnings  per  share                                            1,758                  1,848
                                                                                                    ============    ============
GAAP  diluted  net  earnings  per  share  from                                                                        
  continuing  operations                                                        $              0.75    $              0.81
                                                                                                    ============    ============
Non-GAAP  diluted  net  earnings  per  share                      $              0.77    $              0.80
                                                                                                    ============    ============
(a)  Includes  any  dilutive  effect  of  restricted  stock  units,  stock  options      
        and  performance-based  awards.                                                                                      

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