Celestica Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2016 Financial Results

(1) Management uses non-IFRS adjusted ROIC as a measure to assess the effectiveness of the invested capital we use to build products or provide services to our customers, by quantifying how well we generate earnings relative to the capital we have invested in our business. Our non-IFRS adjusted ROIC measure reflects non-IFRS operating earnings, working capital management and asset utilization. Non-IFRS adjusted ROIC is calculated by dividing non-IFRS adjusted EBIAT by average net invested capital. Net invested capital consists of the following IFRS measures: total assets less cash, accounts payable, accrued and other current liabilities and provisions, and income taxes payable. We use a two-point average to calculate average net invested capital for the quarter and a five-point average to calculate average net invested capital for the year. A comparable measure under IFRS would be determined by dividing IFRS earnings before income taxes by net invested capital (which we have set forth in the chart above), however, this measure (which we have called IFRS ROIC), is not a measure defined under IFRS.
GUIDANCE SUMMARY                                                            
                                                            Q1 2017 Guidance
                          Q4 2016 Guidance  Q4 2016 Actual         (2)      
IFRS revenue (in                                                            
 billions) (1)              $1.5 to $1.6         $1.62        $1.4 to $1.5  
                          3.8% at the mid-                                  
Non-IFRS operating margin     point of           3.8%             3.5%      
 (1)                        expectations                                    
Non-IFRS adjusted EPS (1)  $0.29 to $0.35        $0.41       $0.24 to $0.30 

(1) Revenue of $1.62 billion for the fourth quarter of 2016 was above the high end of our guidance range primarily as a result of increased demand from our communications end market. Our non-IFRS operating margin of 3.8% was consistent with the mid-point of our expectations.

Non-IFRS adjusted EPS for the fourth quarter of 2016 was favorably impacted by a $0.07 per share net benefit related to income taxes, comprised of a $0.10 per share income tax recovery attributable to the resolution of certain previously disputed tax matters in Canada (including related refund interest income) and a $0.03 per share favorable deferred tax recovery, offset in part by a $0.06 per share income tax expense related to taxable foreign exchange impacts. See notes 12 and 14 to our Interim Financial Statements. The foregoing items arose in the fourth quarter of 2016, and were, therefore not factored into our guidance for this measure for that period. Non-IFRS adjusted EPS for the fourth quarter of 2016 would have been towards the high end of our guidance range for the quarter without the net income tax benefits referred to above.

(2) For the first quarter of 2017, we anticipate a negative $0.11 to $0.17 per share (pre-tax) aggregate impact on net earnings on an IFRS basis for employee stock-based compensation expense, amortization of intangible assets (excluding computer software) and restructuring charges. We cannot predict changes in currency exchange rates, the impact of such changes on our operating results, or the degree to which we will be able to manage such impacts.

                               CELESTICA INC.                               
                    CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                    
                       (in millions of U.S. dollars)                        
                                                                                                    December  31      December  31  
                                                                                                            2015                    2016        
                                                                                                  -------------  -------------
Current  assets:                                                                                                                          
    Cash  and  cash  equivalents  (note  13)                        $            545.3    $            557.2  
    Accounts  receivable  (note  6)                                                    681.0                  790.5  
    Inventories  (note  7)                                                                    794.6                  890.6  
    Income  taxes  receivable                                                                10.4                      5.4  
    Assets  classified  as  held-for-sale                                          27.4                    28.9  
    Other  current  assets  (note  5)                                                    65.3                    73.9  
                                                                                                  -------------  -------------
Total  current  assets                                                                    2,124.0              2,346.5  
Property,  plant  and  equipment                                                      314.6                  302.7  
Goodwill                                                                                                  19.5                    23.2  
Intangible  assets                                                                                30.4                    25.5  
Deferred  income  taxes                                                                        40.1                    36.4  
Other  non-current  assets                                                                  83.4                    88.0  
                                                                                                  -------------  -------------
Total  assets                                                                          $        2,612.0    $        2,822.3  
                                                                                                  =============  =============
Liabilities  and  Equity                                                                                                            
Current  liabilities:                                                                                                                
    Current  portion  of  borrowings  under  credit                                                                
      facility  and  finance  lease  obligations  (notes                                                        
      5  &  8)                                                                                $              29.1    $              56.0  
    Accounts  payable                                                                            801.4                  876.9  
    Accrued  and  other  current  liabilities                                  257.7                  261.7  
    Income  taxes  payable                                                                      25.0                    32.4  
    Current  portion  of  provisions                                                    20.2                    18.7  
                                                                                                  -------------  -------------
Total  current  liabilities                                                          1,133.4              1,245.7  
Long-term  portion  of  borrowings  under  credit                                                                
  facility  and  finance  lease  obligations  (notes  5                                                        
  &  8)                                                                                                      250.6                  188.7  
Pension  and  non-pension  post-employment  benefit                                                          
  obligations                                                                                          83.2                    86.0  
Provisions  and  other  non-current  liabilities                          28.0                    28.3  
Deferred  income  taxes                                                                        25.8                    34.8  
                                                                                                  -------------  -------------
Total  liabilities                                                                          1,521.0              1,583.5  
    Capital  stock  (note  9)                                                            2,093.9              2,048.2  
    Treasury  stock  (note  9)                                                              (31.4)                (15.3)
    Contributed  surplus                                                                      846.7                  862.6  
    Deficit                                                                                        (1,785.4)          (1,632.0)
    Accumulated  other  comprehensive  loss                                    (32.8)                (24.7)
                                                                                                  -------------  -------------
Total  equity                                                                                    1,091.0              1,238.8  
                                                                                                  -------------  -------------
Total  liabilities  and  equity                                          $        2,612.0    $        2,822.3  
                                                                                                  =============  =============
                                                      Contingencies  (note  14)                                                    
      The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  these  unaudited  interim      
                                condensed  consolidated  financial  statements.                                
                                                              CELESTICA  INC.                                                              
                              CONDENSED  CONSOLIDATED  STATEMENT  OF  OPERATIONS                              
                    (in  millions  of  U.S.  dollars,  except  per  share  amounts)                      
                                                                              Three  months  ended          Year  ended        
                                                                                    December  31                  December  31      
                                                                            -------------------  ------------------
                                                                                  2015            2016          2015            2016    
                                                                            ---------  ---------  --------  ---------
Revenue                                                              $1,514.9    $1,623.7    $5,639.2  $6,016.5  
Cost  of  sales  (note  7)                                  1,413.6      1,511.8      5,248.1    5,588.9  
                                                                            ---------  ---------  --------  ---------
Gross  profit                                                          101.3          111.9          391.1        427.6  
Selling,  general  and  administrative                                                                                  
  expenses  (SG&A)                                                    51.8            53.2          207.5        211.1  
Research  and  development                                      6.5              6.7            23.2          24.9  
Amortization  of  intangible  assets                    2.3              2.5              9.2            9.4  
Other  charges  (note  11)                                      14.3            25.8            35.8          25.5  
                                                                            ---------  ---------  --------  ---------
Earnings  from  operations                                    26.4            23.7          115.4        156.7  
Refund  interest  income  (note  14)                          -            (8.3)                -        (14.3)
Finance  costs                                                            2.6              2.7              6.3          10.0  
                                                                            ---------  ---------  --------  ---------
Earnings  before  income  taxes                            23.8            29.3          109.1        161.0  
Income  tax  expense  (recovery)  (note                                                                                  
    Current                                                                  14.7              9.4            38.7          14.2  
    Deferred                                                                (3.0)          (1.0)            3.5          10.5  
                                                                            ---------  ---------  --------  ---------
                                                                                    11.7              8.4            42.2          24.7  
                                                                            ---------  ---------  --------  ---------
Net  earnings  for  the  period                      $      12.1    $      20.9    $      66.9  $    136.3  
                                                                            =========  =========  ========  =========
Basic  earnings  per  share                            $      0.08    $      0.15    $      0.43  $      0.96  
Diluted  earnings  per  share                        $      0.08    $      0.15    $      0.42  $      0.95  
Shares  used  in  computing  per  share                                                                                    
  amounts  (in  millions):                                                                                                          
    Basic                                                                    143.1          140.9          155.8        141.8  
    Diluted                                                                145.2          143.4          157.9        143.9  
      The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  these  unaudited  interim      
                                condensed  consolidated  financial  statements.                                
                                                              CELESTICA  INC.                                                              
                                              (in  millions  of  U.S.  dollars)                                                
                                                                              Three  months  ended          Year  ended        
                                                                                    December  31                  December  31      
                                                                            -------------------  ------------------
                                                                                  2015            2016            2015          2016    
                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------  --------
Net  earnings  for  the  period                      $      12.1    $      20.9    $      66.9    $    136.3
Other  comprehensive  income  (loss),                                                                                    
  net  of  tax:                                                                                                                                
    Items  that  will  not  be  reclassified                                                                              
      to  net  earnings  (loss):                                                                                                    
    Actuarial  gains  (losses)  on  pension                                                                              
      and  non-pension  post-employment                                                                                    
      benefit  plans  (note  10)                                (7.0)          17.1            (7.0)          17.1
    Items  that  may  be  reclassified  to                                                                                  
      net  earnings:                                                                                                                        
        Currency  translation  differences                                                                                
          for  foreign  operations                              (0.3)          (2.6)          (1.7)                -
        Changes  from  derivatives                                                                                                
          designated  as  hedges                                    8.5          (10.6)          (6.1)            8.1
                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------  --------
Total  comprehensive  income  for  the                                                                                    
  period                                                              $      13.3    $      24.8    $      52.1    $    161.5
                                                                            =========  =========  =========  ========
      The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  these  unaudited  interim      
                                condensed  consolidated  financial  statements.                                
                                                              CELESTICA  INC.                                                              
                      CONDENSED  CONSOLIDATED  STATEMENT  OF  CHANGES  IN  EQUITY                        
                                              (in  millions  of  U.S.  dollars)                                                
                                  Capital      Treasury                                            comprehen-                    
                                    stock          stock        Contributed                      sive          Total    
                                  (note  9)    (note  9)    surplus        Deficit      loss(a)        equity  
                                ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------
Balance  --                                                                                                                                    
  January  1,                                                                                                                                  
  2015                      $2,609.5    $    (21.4)  $    677.1    $(1,845.3)  $    (25.0)  $1,394.9  
  (note  9):                                                                                                                                    
    Issuance  of                                                                                                                              
      stock                        12.6                  -            (8.7)                  -                  -              3.9  
    Repurchase  of                                                                                                                          
      stock  for                                                                                                                                
      cancellation      (528.2)                -          157.8                    -                  -        (370.4)
    Purchase  of                                                                                                                              
      stock  for                                                                                                                                
      plans                              -          (28.9)                -                    -                  -          (28.9)
      and  other                      -            18.9            20.5                    -                  -            39.4  
    Net  earnings                                                                                                                            
      for  the                                                                                                                                    
      period                            -                  -                  -              66.9                  -            66.9  
      loss,  net                                                                                                                            
      of  tax:                                                                                                                                    
          losses  on                                                                                                                            
          and  non-                                                                                                                              
          (note  10)                  -                  -                  -              (7.0)                -            (7.0)
          operations                -                  -                  -                    -            (1.7)          (1.7)
          as  hedges                  -                  -                  -                    -            (6.1)          (6.1)
                                ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------
Balance  --                                                                                                                                    
  December  31,                                                                                                                              
  2015                      $2,093.9    $    (31.4)  $    846.7    $(1,785.4)  $    (32.8)  $1,091.0  
  (note  9):                                                                                                                                    
    Issuance  of                                                                                                                              
      stock                          6.4                  -            (2.3)                  -                  -              4.1  
    Repurchase  of                                                                                                                          
      stock  for                                                                                                                                
      cancellation        (52.1)                -            17.8                    -                  -          (34.3)
    Purchase  of                                                                                                                              
      stock  for                                                                                                                                
      plans                              -          (18.2)                -                    -                  -          (18.2)
      and  other                      -            34.3              0.4                    -                  -            34.7  
    Net  earnings                                                                                                                            
      for  the                                                                                                                                    
      period                            -                  -                  -            136.3                  -          136.3  
      net  of  tax:                                                                                                                            
          gains  on                                                                                                                              
          and  non-                                                                                                                              
          (note  10).                -                  -                  -              17.1                  -            17.1  
          as  hedges                  -                  -                  -                    -              8.1              8.1  
                                ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------
Balance  --                                                                                                                                    
  December  31,                                                                                                                              
  2016                      $2,048.2    $    (15.3)  $    862.6    $(1,632.0)  $    (24.7)  $1,238.8  
                                =========  =========  =========  ==========  =========  =========
(a)  Accumulated  other  comprehensive  loss  is  net  of  tax.                                          
      The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  these  unaudited  interim      
                                condensed  consolidated  financial  statements.                                
                                                              CELESTICA  INC.                                                              
                              CONDENSED  CONSOLIDATED  STATEMENT  OF  CASH  FLOWS                              
                                              (in  millions  of  U.S.  dollars)                                                
                                                                            Three  months  ended          Year  ended          
                                                                                  December  31                  December  31        
                                                                                2015            2016            2015            2016    
                                                                          ---------  -------------------  ---------
Cash  provided  by  (used  in):                                                                                                  
Operating  activities:                                                                                                              
Net  earnings  for  the  period                    $      12.1    $      20.9    $      66.9    $    136.3  
Adjustments  to  net  earnings  for                                                                                          
  items  not  affecting  cash:                                                                                                    
    Depreciation  and  amortization                    17.8            20.3            68.3            75.6  
    Equity-settled  stock-based                                                                                                
      compensation                                                    10.8            10.4            37.6            33.0  
    Other  charges                                                    12.6            19.0            16.3            21.2  
    Finance  costs,  net  of  refund                                                                                            
      interest  income                                                2.6            (5.6)            6.3            (4.3)
    Income  tax  expense                                          11.7              8.4            42.2            24.7  
Other                                                                        (8.7)          (2.2)        (17.5)          (1.1)
Changes  in  non-cash  working  capital                                                                                  
    Accounts  receivable                                      (37.3)        (69.7)          12.5        (104.6)
    Inventories                                                        54.1            45.5          (75.6)        (89.5)
    Other  current  assets                                      (2.5)            7.5            38.2            (5.3)
    Accounts  payable,  accrued  and                                                                                          
      other  current  liabilities  and                                                                                        
      provisions                                                        34.1          (11.1)          28.8            75.4  
                                                                          ---------  -------------------  ---------
Non-cash  working  capital  changes                  48.4          (27.8)            3.9        (124.0)
Net  income  tax  refund  (paid),                                                                                              
  including  related  interest  (note                                                                                      
  14)                                                                        (15.3)          44.1          (27.7)          11.9  
                                                                          ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Net  cash  provided  by  operating                                                                                            
  activities                                                            92.0            87.5          196.3          173.3  
Investing  activities:                                                                                                              
Acquisition  (note  4)                                                -          (14.9)                -          (14.9)
Purchase  of  computer  software  and                                                                                      
  property,  plant  and  equipment                    (16.0)        (17.9)        (62.8)        (64.1)
Proceeds  from  sale  of  assets                            0.6              0.1              2.8              1.0  
Deposit  on  anticipated  sale  of  real                                                                                  
  property                                                                      -                  -            11.2                  -  
Advances  to  solar  supplier  (note  5)            (1.2)                -          (29.5)                -  
Repayments  from  solar  supplier  (note                                                                                
  5)                                                                              3.0              3.0              3.0            14.0  
                                                                          ---------  -------------------  ---------
Net  cash  used  in  investing                                                                                                    
  activities                                                          (13.6)        (29.7)        (75.3)        (64.0)
Financing  activities:                                                                                                              
Borrowings  under  credit  facility                                                                                        
  (note  8)                                                                      -                  -          275.0            40.0  
Repayments  under  credit  facility                                                                                        
  (note  8)                                                                (6.3)        (31.3)        (12.5)        (75.0)
Finance  lease  payments  (note  8)                          -            (1.0)                -            (4.5)
Issuance  of  capital  stock  (note  9)                0.8              0.8              3.9              4.1  
Repurchase  of  capital  stock  for                                                                                          
  cancelation  (note  9)                                        (0.2)                -        (370.4)        (34.3)
Purchase  of  treasury  stock  for                                                                                            
  stock-based  plans  (note  9)                          (20.7)          (8.7)        (28.9)        (18.2)
Finance  costs  paid                                              (2.4)          (2.4)          (7.8)          (9.5)
                                                                          ---------  -------------------  ---------
Net  cash  used  in  financing                                                                                                    
  activities                                                          (28.8)        (42.6)      (140.7)        (97.4)
Net  increase  (decrease)  in  cash  and                                                                                  
  cash  equivalents                                                49.6            15.2          (19.7)          11.9  
Cash  and  cash  equivalents,  beginning                                                                                
  of  period                                                            495.7          542.0          565.0          545.3  
                                                                          ---------  -------------------  ---------
Cash  and  cash  equivalents,  end  of                                                                                      
  period                                                            $    545.3    $    557.2    $    545.3    $    557.2  
                                                                          =========  ===================  =========
The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  these  unaudited  interim            
condensed  consolidated  financial  statements.                                                                

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