Geac announces fiscal year 2006 second quarter results

    Geac Computer Corporation Limited
    Consolidated Balance Sheets
    As at October 31, 2005 and April 30, 2005
    (amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
                                                        October      April
                                                        31, 2005    30, 2005
                                                       ----------  ----------
    Assets                                                         (revised -
                                                                  see note 2)
    Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                          $ 226,453   $ 188,134
    Restricted cash                                        2,516       4,808
    Accounts receivable and other receivables             37,367      46,922
    Unbilled receivables                                   8,399       8,186
    Future income taxes                                    7,350       8,292
    Prepaid expenses and other assets                      5,332       7,986
    Current assets related to discontinued operations
     (note 9)                                                376       2,097
                                                       ----------  ----------
      Total current assets                               287,793     266,425

    Restricted cash                                        2,800       3,039
    Future income taxes                                   20,179      33,529
    Property, plant and equipment                         20,170      20,882
    Intangible assets                                     19,238      23,841
    Goodwill (note 4)                                    109,255     110,142
    Other assets                                           6,107       6,045
    Long-term assets related to discontinued
     operations (note 9)                                       -       2,263
                                                       ----------  ----------
      Total assets                                     $ 465,542   $ 466,166
                                                       ----------  ----------
                                                       ----------  ----------

    Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity
    Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable and accrued liabilities           $  59,118   $  71,528
    Income taxes payable                                  26,102      22,997
    Current portion of long-term debt                        409         424
    Deferred revenue                                                     80,465          110,493
        Current  liabilities  related  to  discontinued
          operations  (note  9)                                                                          376              3,957
                                                                                                              ----------    ----------
            Total  current  liabilities                                                    166,470          209,399

        Deferred  revenue                                                                              1,804              2,058
        Employee  future  benefits                                                            22,490            26,334
        Asset  retirement  obligations  (note  6)                                    1,221              1,678
        Accrued  restructuring  (note  7)                                                      898              1,769
        Long-term  debt                                                                                  4,163              4,630
                                                                                                              ----------    ----------
            Total  liabilities                                                                    197,046          245,868

        Shareholders'  Equity
        Common  shares;  no  par  value;  unlimited  shares
          authorized;  issued  and  outstanding  as  at
          October  31,  2005  -  87,317,871  (April  30,
          2005  -  86,377,012)                                                                    137,827          131,445
        Common  shares  purchased  as  at  October  31,
          2005  -  1,390,112
        (April  30,  2005  -  816,598)  (note  10)                                  (11,775)          (6,979)
        Common  stock  options                                                                            12                    12
        Contributed  surplus                                                                      12,025              6,353
        Retained  earnings                                                                        156,017          111,541
        Cumulative  foreign  exchange  translation  adjustment      (25,610)        (22,074)
                                                                                                              ----------    ----------
            Total  shareholders'  equity                                                  268,496          220,298
                                                                                                              ----------    ----------
            Total  liabilities  and  shareholders'  equity              $  465,542      $  466,166
                                                                                                              ----------    ----------
                                                                                                              ----------    ----------

        Commitments  and  contingencies  (note  12)

        See  accompanying  notes

        Geac  Computer  Corporation  Limited
        Consolidated  Statements  of  Earnings
        (amounts  in  thousands  of  U.S.  dollars,  except  share  and  per  share  data)

                                                                  Three  months  ended              Six  months  ended
                                                                          October  31                            October  31
                                                              ----------------------    ----------------------
                                                                    2005                2004                2005                2004
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
        Revenue:                                                              (revised  -                            (revised  -
                                                                                      see  note  2)                        see  note  2)

            Software                                  $    18,866      $    14,962      $    31,771      $    30,363
            Support  and  services                81,810            83,036          162,399          166,732
            Hardware                                          2,511              2,476              6,293              4,379
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                Total  revenue                        103,187          100,474          200,463          201,474

        Cost  of  revenue:
            Costs  of  software                        2,221              1,929              4,103              3,405
            Costs  of  support  and
              services                                      30,810            31,130            62,003            61,826
            Costs  of  hardware                        1,881              1,877              5,357              3,413
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                Total  cost  of  revenue          34,912            34,936            71,463            68,644
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------

        Gross  profit                                    68,275            65,538          129,000          132,830

        Operating  expenses:
            Sales  and  marketing                  18,003            17,201            36,932            35,040
            Research  and  development        12,982            13,371            27,330            27,275
            General  and  administrative    15,722            13,522            26,610            27,602
            Net  restructuring  and
              other  unusual  items
              (note  7)                                        4,202                (367)            4,169            (1,020)
            Amortization  of  intangible
              assets                                            2,050              2,290              4,344              4,536
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                Total  operating  expenses    52,959            46,017            99,385            93,433

        Earnings  from  continuing
          operations                                      15,316            19,521            29,615            39,397
            Interest  income                            1,888                  674              3,436              1,176
            Interest  expense                            (190)              (368)              (564)              (756)
            Other  income,  net                              26                  722                  605                  244
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
        Earnings  from  continuing
          operations  before  income
          taxes                                                17,040            20,549            33,092            40,061
            Income  taxes                                  5,935              5,982            11,820            12,433
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
        Net  earnings  from  continuing
          operations                                      11,105            14,567            21,272            27,628
        Discontinued  operations,  net
          of  income  taxes  (note  9)          22,081                  637            23,204              1,088
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
        Net  earnings                              $    33,186      $    15,204      $    44,476      $    28,716
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------

        Net  earnings  per  share
          basic  (note  11):
            Continuing  operations        $        0.13      $        0.17      $        0.25      $        0.32
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
            Discontinued  operations    $        0.26      $        0.01      $        0.27      $        0.02
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
        Net  earnings  per  share          $        0.39      $        0.18      $        0.52      $        0.34
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------

        Net  earnings  per  share
          diluted  (note  11):
            Continuing  operations        $        0.12      $        0.17      $        0.24      $        0.32
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
            Discontinued  operations    $        0.25      $              -      $        0.26      $        0.01
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
        Net  earnings  per  share          $        0.37      $        0.17      $        0.50      $        0.33
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                              ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------

        Geac  Computer  Corporation  Limited
        Consolidated  Statement  of  Shareholders'  Equity
        For  the  six  months  ended  October  31,  2005  and  the  year  ended
        April  30,  2005
        (in  thousands  of  U.S.  dollars,  except  share  date)

                                                                                      Share  capital
                                                  Common                              Shares                                  Common
                                                  Shares                            Purchased                              Stock
                                                  ('000s)        Amount        ('000s)          Amount        Options
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
        Balance  -
          April  30,  2004              85,175    $  124,019                    -    $              -    $            44
        Issuance  of  common
          stock  for  cash                    443            2,125                    -                    -                    -
        Exercise  of  stock
          options  granted
          in  connection
          with  acquisition
          of  Extensity                            -                  28                    -                    -                (28)
        Stock  based
          (note  10)                                  -                    -                    -                    -                    -
        Exercise  of  stock
          option                                        -                320                    -                    -                    -
        Employee  stock
          purchase  plan
          (note  10)                                  -                260                    -                    -                    -
        Net  earnings                              -                    -                    -                    -                    -
        Foreign  exchange
          adjustment                                -                    -                    -                    -                    -
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
        Balance  -
          October  31,  2004          85,618        126,752                    -                    -                  16
        Issuance  of  common
          stock  for  cash                    759            3,642                    -                    -                    -
        Exercise  of  stock
          options  granted
          in  connection  with
          acquisition  of
          Extensity                                  -                    4                    -                    -                  (4)
        Stock  based
          (note  10)                                  -                    -                    -                    -                    -
        Exercise  of  stock
          options                                      -                823                    -                    -                    -
        Employee  stock
          purchase  plan
          (note  10)                                  -                224                    -                    -                    -
        Restricted  share
          unit  plan  (note  10)              -                    -                    -                    -                    -
          expense                                      -                    -                    -                    -                    -
        Purchase  of  common
          shares  for  cash                      -                    -                817          (6,979)                  -
        Net  earnings                              -                    -                    -                    -                    -
        Foreign  exchange
          adjustment                                -                    -                    -                    -                    -
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
        Balance  -
          April  30,  2005              86,377        131,445                817          (6,979)                12
        Issuance  of  common
          stock  for  cash                    941            5,030                    -                    -                    -
        Stock  based
          (note  10)                                  -                    -                    -                    -                    -
        Exercise  of  stock
          options                                      -            1,109                    -                    -                    -
        Employee  stock
          purchase  plan
          (note  10)                                  -                243                    -                    -                    -
        Tax  impact  of
          exercise  of  stock
          options                                      -                    -                    -                    -                    -
        Restricted  share
          unit  plan
          (note  10)
          expense                                      -                    -                    -                    -                    -
        Purchase  of
          common  shares  for
          cash                                            -                    -                573          (4,796)                  -
        Net  earnings                              -                    -                    -                    -                    -
        Foreign  exchange
          adjustment                                -                    -                    -                    -                    -
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
        Balance  -
          October  31,  2005          87,318      $  137,827          1,390    $  (11,775)  $            12
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

                                                                                            Foreign          Total
                                                                                            Exchange        Share-
                                            Contributed    Retained    Translation  holders'
                                                    Surplus    Earnings    Adjustment      Equity
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
        Balance  -
          April  30,  2004        $      2,368    $    34,517    $  (24,877)  $  136,071
        Issuance  of  common
          stock  for  cash                        -                    -                    -            2,125
        Exercise  of  stock
          options  granted
          in  connection
          with  acquisition
          of  Extensity                            -                    -                    -                    -
        Stock  based
          (note  10)                          1,896                    -                    -            1,896
        Exercise  of  stock
          option                                  (320)                  -                    -                    -
        Employee  stock
          purchase  plan
          (note  10)                            (260)                  -                    -                    -
        Net  earnings                              -          28,716                    -          28,716
        Foreign  exchange
          adjustment                                -                    -            3,126            3,126
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
        Balance  -
          October  31,  2004            3,684          63,233        (21,751)      171,934
        Issuance  of  common
          stock  for  cash                        -                    -                    -            3,642
        Exercise  of  stock
          options  granted
          in  connection  with
          acquisition  of
          Extensity                                  -                    -                    -                    -
        Stock  based
          (note  10)                          2,222                    -                    -            2,222
        Exercise  of  stock
          options                                (823)                  -                    -                    -
        Employee  stock
          purchase  plan
          (note  10)                            (224)                  -                    -                    -
        Restricted  share
          unit  plan  (note  10)              -                    -                    -                    -
          expense                              1,494                    -                    -            1,494
        Purchase  of  common
          shares  for  cash                      -                    -                    -          (6,979)
        Net  earnings                              -          48,308                    -          48,308
        Foreign  exchange
          adjustment                                -                    -              (323)            (323)
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
        Balance  -
          April  30,  2005                6,353        111,541        (22,074)      220,298
        Issuance  of  common
          stock  for  cash                        -                    -                    -            5,030
        Stock  based
          (note  10)                          2,123                    -                    -            2,123
        Exercise  of  stock
          options                            (1,109)                  -                    -                    -
        Employee  stock
          purchase  plan
          (note  10)                            (243)                  -                    -                    -
        Tax  impact  of
          exercise  of  stock
          options                              1,261                    -                    -            1,261
        Restricted  share
          unit  plan
          (note  10)
          expense                              3,640                    -                    -            3,640
        Purchase  of
          common  shares  for
          cash                                            -                    -                    -          (4,796)
        Net  earnings                              -          44,476                    -          44,476
        Foreign  exchange
          adjustment                                -                    -          (3,536)        (3,536)
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
        Balance  -
          October  31,  2005    $    12,025    $  156,017    $  (25,610)  $  268,496
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

                                                                  Three  months  ended              Six  months  ended
                                                                          October  31                            October  31
                                                            -----------------------  -----------------------
                                                                    2005                2004                2005                2004
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Cash  flows  from                                              (revised  -                            (revised  -
          operating  activities                                  see  note  2)                          see  note  2)
        Net  earnings  for  the
          period                                        $    33,186      $    15,204      $    44,476      $    28,716
        Net  earnings  for  the
          period  from  discontinued
          operations                                      22,081                  637            23,204              1,088
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  earnings  for  the
          period  from  continuing
          operations                                      11,105            14,567            21,272            27,628
        Less:  Adjustments  to
          reconcile  net  income  to
          net  cash  provided  by
          operating  activities:
            Depreciation                                      987              1,367              2,032              2,782
            Amortization  of  intangible
              assets                                            2,050              2,290              4,344              4,536
            Amortization  of  deferred
              financing  costs                                87                  235                  323                  471
            Stock-based  compensation          2,841              1,018              5,747              2,120
            Employee  future  benefits              232                  220                  470                  445
            Future  income  tax  expense        4,477              4,507              7,994              9,101
            Accrued  liabilities  and
              interest  write  off                    1,042                (366)            1,009            (1,027)
            Other                                                    (51)                (59)                (98)                (54)
            Changes  in  operating
              assets  and  liabilities
              (note  3)                                    (21,821)        (21,612)        (34,839)        (41,648)
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  cash  provided  by
          operating  activities  from
          continuing  operations                      949              2,167              8,254              4,354
        Net  cash  provided  by
          operating  activities  from
          discontinued  operations                  834                  785              1,525                  794
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  cash  provided  by
          operating  activities                    1,783              2,952              9,779              5,148

        Cash  flows  from  investing
        Proceeds  from  divestiture
          of  Interealty,  net  of  cash
          divested                                          36,292                      -            36,292                      -
        Purchases  of  investments                      -                      -                      -            (4,525)
        Sales  of  investments                              -                      -                      -            31,025
        Additions  to  property,  plant
          and  equipment                                (1,203)              (573)          (2,151)              (937)
        Disposals  of  property,  plant
          and  equipment                                          9                      7                    27                  152
        Change  in  restricted  cash          (2,254)                (12)            2,334                (486)
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  cash  provided  by
          (used  in)  investing
          activities  from  continuing
          operations                                      32,844                (578)          36,502            25,229
        Net  cash  used  in  investing
          activities  from  discontinued
          operations                                          (495)              (348)              (609)              (674)
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  cash  provided  by
          (used  in)  investing
          activities                                      32,349                (926)          35,893            24,555

        Cash  flows  from  financing
        Additions  of  other  assets          (1,974)                    -            (1,974)                    -
        Issue  of  common  shares                  2,170                  666              5,030              2,125
        Purchase  of  common  shares                    -                      -            (4,796)                    -
        Repayment  of  long-term  debt          (106)              (117)              (212)              (227)
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  cash  provided  by
          (used  in)  financing
          activities  from  continuing
          operations                                              90                  549            (1,952)            1,898

        Effect  of  exchange  rate
          changes  on  cash  and  cash
          equivalents                                          107              3,176            (5,401)            4,162
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------

        Cash  and  cash  equivalents
        Net  increase  in  cash  and
          cash  equivalents                          34,329              5,751              38,319          35,763
        Cash  and  cash  equivalents
          -  beginning  of  period              192,124          116,062          188,134            86,050
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Cash  and  cash  equivalents
          -  end  of  period                    $    226,453      $  121,813      $  226,453      $  121,813
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        See  accompanying  notes

        Geac  Computer  Corporation  Limited
        Notes  to  the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements
        (amounts  in  thousands  of  U.S.  dollars,  except  share  and  per  share  data
        unless  otherwise  noted)

        1.    Basis  of  presentation

        The  accompanying  unaudited  consolidated  financial  statements  have  been
        prepared  in  United  States  ("U.S.")  dollars  and  in  accordance  with
        Canadian  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  ("Canadian  GAAP")  for
        interim  financial  statements.  Accordingly,  these  unaudited  financial
        statements  do  not  include  certain  disclosures  normally  included  in  annual
        financial  statements  prepared  in  accordance  with  such  principles.  These
        unaudited  financial  statements  were  prepared  using  the  same  accounting
        policies  as  outlined  in  note  2  to  the  annual  financial  statements  for  the
        year  ended  April  30,  2005,  and  should  be  read  in  conjunction  with  the
        audited  consolidated  financial  statements  and  notes  included  in  the
        Company's  Annual  Report  for  the  year  ended  April  30,  2005.

        The  preparation  of  these  unaudited  consolidated  financial  statements
        requires  management  to  make  estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect  the
        amounts  reported  in  the  consolidated  financial  statements  and  the
        accompanying  notes.  In  the  opinion  of  management,  these  unaudited
        consolidated  financial  statements  reflect  all  adjustments  (which  include
        only  normal,  recurring  adjustments)  necessary  to  state  fairly  the  results
        for  the  periods  presented.  Actual  results  could  differ  from  these
        estimates  and  the  operating  results  for  the  interim  periods  presented  are
        not  necessarily  indicative  of  the  results  expected  for  the  full  year.

        2.    Revisions  to  comparative  figures

        Discontinued  operations

        On  October  1,  2005,  the  Company  sold  substantially  all  the  assets  of
        its  Interealty  business,  the  business  within  Geac  that  provides  Web-based
        MLS  systems  to  realtors  in  North  America,  to  First  American  Corporation.
        The  assets  and  liabilities  and  the  results  of  operations  and  cash  flows
        for  Interealty  have  been  reported  separately  as  discontinued  operations
        in  the  consolidated  balance  sheet  and  the  consolidated  statements  of
        earnings  and  cash  flows.  Comparative  figures  for  the  three  and  six  months
        ended  October  31,  2004  have  been  reclassified  in  order  to  conform  to  this

        Reclassification  of  investments

        The  Company  has  adjusted  its  consolidated  statements  of  cash  flows  for
        the  six  months  ended  October  31,  2004.  In  February  2005,  the  Company
        determined  that  its  previously  issued  consolidated  balance  sheet  as  at
        April  30,  2004  required  an  adjustment  to  reclassify  $26,500  of  auction
        rate  securities  from  cash  and  cash  equivalents  to  short-term  investments.
        The  auction  rate  securities  were  classified  as  cash  and  cash  equivalents
        as  a  result  of  the  Company's  intent  to  liquidate  them  within  a  60-day
        period,  however,  the  original  maturities  of  the  securities  exceeded  90
        days.  The  adjustments  to  the  Company's  consolidated  balance  sheet  as  at
        April  30,  2004  resulted  in  a  decrease  of  cash  and  cash  equivalents  of
        $26,500  and  an  increase  in  short-term  investments  of  $26,500.  In
        addition,  adjustments  to  the  Company's  consolidated  statement  of  cash
        flows  resulted  in  an  increase  of  $26,500  in  cash  from  investing
        activities  for  the  three  months  ended  July  31,  2004  as  a  result  of  net
        sales  of  the  auction  rate  securities.  These  reclassifications  had  no
        impact  on  the  Company's  results  of  operations.

        As  of  August  1,  2004  the  Company  no  longer  held  any  auction  rate
        securities  and  ceased  investing  in  these  securities  given  that  interest
        rates  increased  on  traditional  investment  vehicles.

        3.    Changes  in  operating  assets  and  liabilities  from  continuing

        Changes  in  operating  assets  and  liabilities  were  as  follows:

                                                                  Three  months  ended              Six  months  ended
                                                                          October  31                            October  31
                                                            -----------------------  -----------------------
                                                                    2005                2004                2005                2004
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Changes  in  operating                                    (revised  -                            (revised  -
          assets  and  liabilities:                            see  note  2)                          see  note  2)
            Accounts  receivable  and
              other  receivables              $    (1,831)    $      3,791      $      5,919      $    12,496
            Prepaid  expenses  and
              other  assets                                    858                  165              2,829                  306
            Accounts  payable  and
              accrued  liabilities                  5,050              1,628          (10,828)        (10,229)
            Accrued  restructuring                  (261)          (4,480)              (872)          (7,569)
            Employee  future  benefits            (374)              (571)          (2,379)              (406)
            Asset  retirement  obligation        (27)                131                (292)                160
            Income  taxes  payable                (3,617)              (479)          (2,482)                230
            Deferred  revenue                      (21,290)        (21,912)        (26,464)        (36,773)
            Other                                                  (329)                115                (270)                137
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Total  changes  in  operating
          assets  and  liabilities        $  (21,821)    $  (21,612)    $  (34,839)    $  (41,648)
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------

        4.    Goodwill

        The  change  in  the  carrying  amount  of  goodwill  is  as  follows:

        Goodwill  balance,  April  30,  2005                                                              $  110,142
        Foreign  exchange  impact                                                                                      (1,197)
        Goodwill  balance,  July  31,  2005                                                                    108,945
        Foreign  exchange  impact                                                                                            310
        Goodwill  balance,  October  31,  2005                                                          $  109,255

        5.    Employee  future  benefits

        The  Company  recorded  employee  future  benefit  expenses  as  follows:

                                                                  Three  months  ended              Six  months  ended
                                                                          October  31                            October  31
                                                            -----------------------  -----------------------
                                                                    2005                2004                2005                2004
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Defined  contribution
          pension  plans                          $          441      $          508      $          911      $      1,158
        Defined  benefit  pension
          plan                                                        232                  220                  470                  445
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                              $          673      $          728      $      1,381      $      1,603
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------

        6.    Asset  retirement  obligations

        The  Company  has  obligations  with  respect  to  the  retirement  of  leasehold
        improvements  at  maturity  of  facility  leases  and  the  restoration  of
        facilities  back  to  their  original  condition  at  the  end  of  the  lease  term.

        The  following  table  details  the  changes  in  the  Company's  leasehold
        retirement  liability  for  the  six  months  ended  October  31,  2005:

        Asset  retirement  obligations  balance,  April  30,  2005                      $      1,678
            Additions  to  the  obligations                                                                                23
            Accretion  charges                                                                                                      24
            Payments                                                                                                                    (265)
            Amounts  released  due  to  settlements                                                                (88)
            Foreign  exchange  impact                                                                                      (101)
        Asset  retirement  obligations  balance,  July  31,  2005                                1,271
            Additions  to  the  obligations                                                                                98
            Accretion  charges                                                                                                      22
            Payments                                                                                                                      (27)
            Amounts  released  due  to  settlements                                                                (79)
            Foreign  exchange  impact                                                                                        (64)
        Asset  retirement  obligations  balance,  October  31,  2005                  $      1,221

        7.    Net  restructuring  and  other  unusual  items

        The  expense  (recovery)  in  net  restructuring  and  other  unusual  items  was
        comprised  of  the  following:

                                                                  Three  months  ended              Six  months  ended
                                                                          October  31,                          October  31,
                                                            -----------------------  -----------------------
                                                                    2005                2004                2005                2004
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Unusual  items                            $      4,202      $              -      $      4,169      $              -
        Restructuring  reversals                        -                (367)                    -            (1,020)
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  restructuring  and
          other  unusual  items              $      4,202      $        (367)    $      4,169      $    (1,020)
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------

        Unusual  items

        For  the  three  months  ended  October  31,  2005,  the  Company  recorded  $4,202
        in  unusual  items.  Of  this  amount,  $1,692  relates  to  the  costs  associated
        with  the  termination  of  the  Loan  Agreement  with  Wells  Fargo  Foothill,
        Inc.  (see  note  8).  The  remaining  balance  of  $2,510  are  associated  with
        the  proxy  contest  relating  to  the  election  of  the  Board  of  Directors.
        For  the  six  months  ended  October  31,  2005,  the  unusual  items  balance  of
        $4,169  was  substantially  comprised  of  the  aforementioned  items.

        Restructuring  expense

        For  the  three  months  ended  October  31,  2004,  the  net  restructuring  credit
        balance  of  $367  was  comprised  of  the  release  of  previously  accrued  lease
        termination  costs  that  are  no  longer  required.  For  the  six  months  ended
        October  31,  2004,  the  Company  recorded  a  reversal  of  $1,020,  as  several
        smaller  restructuring  accruals  relating  to  severance  amounts  and  lease
        termination  costs  were  released  to  adjust  the  accruals  to  match  the
        current  estimates  of  the  amounts  required.

        Restructuring  accrual

        Activity  related  to  the  Company's  restructuring  plans,  business
        rationalization,  and  integration  actions,  was  as  follows:

                                                                              Premises          Workforce
                                                                        restructuring    reductions              Total
                                                                        -------------  -------------  -------------
        April  30,  2005  provision  balance      $      4,265          $          538          $      4,803
            Additions  to  provision                                      -                      248                      248
            Costs  charged  against  provisions            (648)                  (362)              (1,010)
            Provision  release                                                -                      (13)                    (13)
            Foreign  exchange  impact                                (38)                      (8)                    (46)
                                                                        -------------  -------------  -------------
        July  31,  2005  provision  balance                3,579                      403                  3,982
            Additions  to  provision                                      -                      206                      206
            Costs  charged  against  provisions            (570)                  (477)              (1,047)
            Foreign  exchange  impact                                  (7)                        3                        (4)
                                                                        -------------  -------------  -------------
        October  31,  2005  provision
          balance                                                      $      3,002          $          135                  3,137
                                                                        -------------  -------------
                                                                        -------------  -------------
            Less:  Current  portion                                                                                        2,239
        Long-term  portion  of  restructuring  accrual                                          $          898

        During  the  three  and  six  months  ended  October  31,  2005,  the  Company
        accrued  $206  and  $454,  respectively,  in  severance  related  to  the
        rationalization  of  the  Company's  North  American  business  locations.
        Additionally,  during  the  six  months  ended  October  31,  2005  a  severance
        accrual  of  $13  was  released  through  operations  to  adjust  the  accrual  to
        match  the  current  estimates  of  the  amounts  required.

        As  at  October  31,  2005,  a  balance  of  $135  is  remaining  for  severance,  of
        which  the  remainder  will  substantially  be  paid  by  the  third  quarter  of
        fiscal  2007  and  will  include  severance  relating  to  employees  from  the
        support  and  services,  development  and  sales  and  marketing  areas.

        The  remaining  balance  for  accrued  premises  restructuring  was  $3,002  as  at
        October  31,  2005.  Of  this  balance,  the  Company  has  a  restructuring
        liability  of  approximately  $196  related  to  the  acquisition  of  Comshare.
        This  remaining  balance  relates  to  lease  termination  costs  and  will  be
        utilized  through  the  first  quarter  of  fiscal  2008.  Additionally,  a
        balance  of  $1,202  remains  related  to  the  acquisition  of  Extensity  and  is
        expected  to  be  utilized  through  the  second  quarter  of  fiscal  2007.  The
        remaining  balance  relates  to  the  rationalization  of  the  Company's  North
        American  and  European  business  locations.  The  Company  anticipates  that
        the  remainder  of  the  balance  will  be  utilized  through  fiscal  2025.

        8.    Credit  facility

        On  August  11,  2005  the  Company  and  certain  of  its  subsidiaries  entered
        into  a  Credit  Agreement  (the  "Credit  Agreement")  with  a  banking  syndicate
        led  by  Bank  of  America,  N.A.,  pursuant  to  which  the  Company  and  certain
        of  its  subsidiaries  obtained  a  five-year,  $150  million  revolving  credit
        facility  (the  "new  Facility").  The  annual  interest  rate  payable  on
        advances  under  the  Facility  is,  at  the  Company's  option,  the  prime  rate
        plus  25  to  75  basis  points,  or  LIBOR  plus  125  to  175  basis  points.  The
        fee  paid  on  the  unused  portion  of  the  new  Facility  will  range  between  30
        and  45  basis  points.

        The  new  Facility  replaces  the  Company's  previous  $50  million,  fully-
        secured  credit  facility  with  Wells  Fargo  Foothill,  Inc.  (the  "prior
        Facility").  The  new  Facility  is  secured  only  by  the  common  stock  of
        certain  of  the  Company's  material  subsidiaries  and  is  available  for
        working  capital  needs,  acquisitions,  and  other  general  corporate  purposes
        of  the  Company.  As  of  October  31,  2005,  none  of  the  new  Facility  has  been
        utilized.  A  balance  of  $150  million  was  available  to  the  Company.

        Financing  costs  of  $1,960  incurred  to  close  the  transaction  were  recorded
        as  other  assets  in  the  second  quarter  of  fiscal  2006  and  are  being

        amortized  to  interest  expense  on  a  straight-line  basis  over  the  term  of
        the  new  Facility.  Amortization  costs  related  to  this  financing  was  $87  in
        the  quarter  ended  October  31,  2005.  As  of  October  31,  2005,  the  remaining
        unamortized  financing  costs  were  $1,873.  For  the  six  months  ended
        October  31,  2005,  interest  expense  included  the  amortization  of  financing
        costs  of  $236  related  to  the  prior  Facility  and  $87  related  to  the
        Company's  new  Facility.  For  the  three  and  six  months  ended  October  31,
        2004,  amortization  related  to  the  financing  costs  on  the  prior  Facility
        was  $235  and  $471,  respectively.

        Upon  termination  of  the  prior  Facility  on  August  11,  2005,  the  Company
        expensed  to  unusual  items  the  remaining  unamortized  financing  costs  of
        $1,042,  the  termination  penalty  of  $541  and  closing  costs  of  $109.

        The  Company  is  subject  to  various  customary  financial  covenants  under  the
        new  Facility.  The  Company  was  in  compliance  with  all  such  covenants  as  at
        October  31,  2005.

        9.  Discontinued  operations

        On  October  1,  2005,  the  Company  completed  the  sale  of  substantially  all
        the  assets  of  its  Interealty  business,  the  business  within  Geac  that
        provides  Web-based  MLS  systems  to  realtors  in  North  America,  to  First
        American  Corporation.  The  total  consideration  received  was  $36,293.  The
        Company  recorded  a  pre-tax  gain  of  $33,704  ($21,270  net  of  income  tax),
        recorded  in  discontinued  operations  on  the  consolidated  statement  of

        The  assets  and  liabilities  and  the  results  of  operations  and  cash  flows
        for  Interealty  have  been  reported  separately  as  discontinued  operations
        in  the  consolidated  balance  sheet  and  the  consolidated  statements  of
        earnings  and  cash  flows.  Comparative  figures  for  the  three  and  six  months
        ended  October  31,  2004  have  been  reclassified  in  order  to  conform  to  this
        presentation.  The  Interealty  business  was  included  in  the  Company's
        Industry  Specific  Applications  segment  for  its  segmented  reporting.

        The  results  of  discontinued  operations  presented  in  the  consolidated
        statements  of  operations  were  as  follows:

                                                                            Three  months  ended      Six  months  ended
                                                                                      October  31,                  October  31,
                                                                            -------------------  -------------------
                                                                                  2005            2004            2005            2004
                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

        Revenue                                                      $    4,564    $    5,956    $  11,010    $  11,824
        Cost  of  revenue                                            2,274          3,819          5,562          7,582
                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
        Gross  profit                                            $    2,290    $    2,137    $    5,448    $    4,242
                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

        Earnings  from  discontinued
          operations  before  income  tax
          expense                                                    $    1,237    $        909    $    2,964    $    1,579
        Income  tax  expense                                          426              272          1,030              491
                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
        Net  earnings  from  discontinued
          operations                                                        811              637          1,934          1,088
        Gain  on  divestiture,  net  of  tax
          expense  of  $12,434                                  21,270                  -        21,270                  -
                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
            Discontinued  operations,  net
              of  income  taxes                                $  22,081    $        637    $  23,204    $    1,088
                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

        The  consolidated  balance  sheets  as  at  October  31,  2005  and  April  30,  2005
        include  Interealty  balances.  A  summary  of  the  assets  and  liabilities
        related  to  the  Interealty  business  is  as  follows:

                                                                                                                      October      April
                                                                                                                    31,  2005    30,  2005
                                                                                                                    ---------  ---------

        Current  assets  related  to  discontinued  operations
            Cash                                                                                                $        376    $        108
            Prepaid  expenses  and  other  assets                                                    -              244
            Accounts  receivable  and  other  receivables                                    -          1,745
                                                                                                                    ---------  ---------
        Total  current  assets  related  to  discontinued
          operations                                                                                      $        376    $    2,097
                                                                                                                    ---------  ---------
                                                                                                                    ---------  ---------

        Long-term  assets  related  to  discontinued  operations
            Property,  plant,  and  equipment                                            $            -    $    1,123
            Other  non-current  assets                                                                      -              111
            Future  income  taxes                                                                                -          1,029
                                                                                                                    ---------  ---------
        Total  long-term  assets  related  to  discontinued
          operations                                                                                      $            -    $    2,263
                                                                                                                    ---------  ---------
                                                                                                                    ---------  ---------

        Current  liabilities  related  to  discontinued
            Accounts  payable  and  accrued  liabilities                        $        376    $    1,845
            Deferred  revenue                                                                                      -          2,112
                                                                                                                    ---------  ---------
        Total  current  liabilities  related  to  discontinued
          operations                                                                                      $        376    $    3,957
                                                                                                                    ---------  ---------
                                                                                                                    ---------  ---------

        10.  Stock-based  compensation

        The  Company  uses  the  fair  value  method  of  accounting  to  account  for  all
        stock-based  compensation  payments  to  employees  granted  subsequent  to
        April  30,  2003.  Prior  to  May  1,  2003,  the  Company  accounted  for  its
        employee  stock  options  and  shares  issued  under  the  Employee  Stock
        Purchase  Plan  ("ESPP")  using  the  settlement  method  and  no  compensation
        expense  was  recognized.

        For  awards  granted  during  the  year  ended  April  30,  2003,  pro  forma  net
        earnings  and  earnings  per  share  information  is  provided  as  if  the  Company
        had  accounted  for  employee  stock  options  under  the  fair  value  method.  The
        pro  forma  effect  of  awards  granted  and  shares  issued  prior  to  May  1,  2002
        has  not  been  included  in  the  pro  forma  net  earnings  and  earnings  per
        share  information.

        The  pro  forma  disclosure  relating  to  options  granted  during  fiscal  2003
        is  as  follows:

                                                                  Three  months  ended              Six  months  ended
                                                                          October  31                            October  31
                                                            -----------------------  -----------------------
                                                                    2005                2004                2005                2004
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  earnings  -  as  reported  $    33,186      $    15,204      $    44,476      $    28,716
        Pro  forma  stock-based
          compensation  expense,
          net  of  income  taxes                          (76)                (70)              (147)              (252)
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  earnings  -  pro  forma      $    33,110      $    15,134      $    44,329      $    28,464
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Basic  net  earnings  per
          common  share  -  as
          reported                                    $        0.39      $        0.18      $        0.52      $        0.34
        Pro  forma  stock-based
          compensation  expense  per
          common  share                                            -                      -                      -                      -
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Basic  net  earnings  per
          common  share  -  pro  forma    $        0.39      $        0.17      $        0.52      $        0.34
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Diluted  net  earnings  per
          common  share  -  as
          reported                                    $        0.37      $        0.17      $        0.50      $        0.33
        Pro  forma  stock-based
          compensation  expense  per
          common  share                                            -                      -                      -                      -
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
            Diluted  net  earnings
              per  common  share  -
              pro  forma                              $        0.37      $        0.17      $        0.50      $        0.33
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------

        The  assumptions  used  to  calculate  pro  forma  stock-based  compensation  were
        as  follows:

        Assumptions  -  Stock  Options

        Weighted  average  risk-free  interest  rate                                                      4.54%
        Weighted  average  expected  life  (in  years)                                                        6.6
        Weighted  average  volatility  in  the  market  price  of  common
          shares                                                                                                                      75.81%
        Weighted  average  dividend  yield                                                                        0.00%
        Weighted  average  grant  date  fair  values  of  options  issued              $      2.09

        For  the  quarters  ended  October  31,  2005  and  2004,  the  Company  expensed
        $979  and  $986,  respectively,  relating  to  the  fair  value  of  stock  options
        granted  in  fiscal  2004  and  2005.  For  the  quarter  ended  October  31,  2005,
        the  Company  expensed  $119  relating  to  the  fair  value  of  shares  issued
        under  the  ESPP.  No  amount  was  expensed  relating  to  the  fair  value  of
        shares  issued  under  the  ESPP  for  the  quarter  ended  October  31,  2004.  For
        the  six  months  ended  October  31,  2005  and  2004,  the  Company  expensed
        $1,901  and  $1,636,  respectively,  relating  to  the  fair  value  of  stock
        options  granted  in  fiscal  2004  and  2005  and  $222  and  $260,  respectively,
        relating  to  the  fair  value  of  shares  issued  under  the  ESPP.  Contributed
        surplus  was  credited  $1,098  and  $986  for  these  awards  for  the  quarters
        ended  October  31,  2005  and  2004,  respectively.  For  the  six  months  ended
        October  31,  2005  and  2004,  contributed  surplus  was  credited  $2,123  and
        $1,896,  respectively,  for  these  awards.  The  remaining  balance  in
        contributed  surplus  will  be  reduced  as  the  stock  options  are  forfeited  or
        exercised.  Contributed  surplus  was  reduced  by  $119  and  $260  for  the
        quarters  ended  October  31,  2005  and  2004,  respectively,  relating  to
        shares  issued  under  the  ESPP.  For  the  six  months  ended  October  31,  2005
        and  2004,  contributed  surplus  was  reduced  by  $243  and  $260,  respectively,
        relating  to  shares  issued  under  the  ESPP.

        The  estimated  fair  values  of  the  stock  options  and  shares  issued  under
        the  ESPP  are  amortized  to  earnings  over  the  vesting  period  on  a  straight-
        line  basis  and  were  determined  using  the  Black  Scholes  option  pricing
        model  with  the  following  weighted  average  assumptions:

                                                                                                                          Three              Six
                                                                                                                        months        months
                                                                                                                          ended          ended
                                                                                                                      October      October
                                                                                                                    31,  2004    31,  2004
                                                                                                                    ---------  ---------
        Assumptions  -  Stock  Options
        Weighted  average  risk  free  interest  rate                                  4.28%          4.33%
        Weighted  average  expected  life  (in  years)                                    7.0              7.0
        Weighted  average  volatility  in  the  market  price  of
          common  shares                                                                                    65.14%        66.12%
        Weighted  average  dividend  yield                                                    0.00%          0.00%
        Weighted  average  grant  date  fair  values  of  options
          issued                                                                                                    $4.38          $4.45

        No  options  were  granted  during  the  three  and  six  months  ended  October  31,

                                                                                                      ended        Six  months  ended
                                                                                            October  31,                  October  31,
                                                                                                ---------  -------------------
        Assumptions  -  ESPP                                                            2005            2005            2004
        ------------------                                                    ---------  ---------  ---------
        Weighted  average  risk  free  interest  rate                2.88%        2.84%          2.21%
        Weighted  average  expected  life    (in  months)              6.0            6.0              6.0
        Weighted  average  volatility  in  the  market
          price  of  common  shares                                                29.01%      23.11%        37.44%
        Weighted  average  dividend  yield                                  0.00%        0.00%          0.00%
        Weighted  average  grant  date  fair  values  of
          awards  or  shares  issued                                                $3.14        $2.73          $2.69

        Directors'  deferred  share  unit  plan

        The  Company  also  maintains  a  Directors'  deferred  share  unit  plan  ("DSU").
        Under  the  plan,  the  Human  Resources  and  Compensation  Committee  of  the
        Board,  or  its  designee,  may  grant  deferred  share  units  to  members  of  the
        Company's  Board  of  Directors  as  compensation  for  the  services  rendered  to
        the  Company  as  a  Board  member.  As  determined  by  the  Company,  units  issued
        under  the  plan  may  be  payable  in  cash  or  common  stock.  For  the  three  and
        six  months  ended  October  31,  2005,  the  Company  had  a  recovery  of  $138  and
        $12,  respectively,  in  general  and  administrative  expense  relating  to  the
        revaluation  of  the  DSUs.  For  the  three  and  six  months  ended  October  31,
        2004,  the  Company  expensed  $32  and  $224,  respectively,  to  general  and
        administrative  expense  relating  to  the  DSUs.  Accrued  liabilities  as  at
        October  31,  2005  were  debited  $138  for  these  awards,  and  are  adjusted
        each  quarter  based  on  the  market  value  of  the  units  which  have  vested
        under  the  plan.

        Restricted  share  unit  plan

        In  September  2004,  the  Board  of  Directors  authorized  a  restricted  share
        unit  ("RSU")  plan.  Under  the  RSU  plan,  the  Human  Resources  and
        Compensation  Committee  of  the  Board,  or  its  designee,  may  grant
        restricted  share  units  to  employees  of  the  Company  as  a  bonus  or  similar
        payment  in  respect  of  services  rendered  to  the  Company.  Units  issued
        under  the  RSU  plan  are  currently  subject  to  vesting  conditions  as
        follows:  20%  vest  one  year  subsequent  to  the  grant  date,  30%  vest  two
        years  subsequent  to  the  grant  date,  and  50%  vest  three  years  subsequent
        to  the  grant  date.  Each  vested  restricted  share  unit  gives  the  employee
        the  right  to  receive  one  share  of  the  Company's  common  stock.  No
        additional  RSUs  were  granted  during  the  quarter  ended  October  31,  2005.
        As  at  October  31,  2005,  1,332,250  units  were  outstanding  under  the  RSU

        The  common  shares  for  which  restricted  share  units  may  be  exchanged  are
        purchased  on  the  open  market  by  a  trustee  appointed  and  funded  by  the
        Company.  As  no  common  shares  will  be  issued  by  the  Company  pursuant  to
        the  plan,  the  plan  is  non-dilutive  to  existing  shareholders.  Compensation
        expense  related  to  the  Company's  restricted  share  unit  plan  was  $1,881
        and  $3,640,  for  the  three  and  six  months  ended  October  31,  2005,
        respectively.  As  of  May  5,  2005,  all  of  the  common  shares  required  for
        issuance  under  the  RSU  plan  were  funded  through  open  market  purchases  of
        the  Company's  shares  and  are  held  in  trust  for  the  benefit  of  the  RSU
        plan  participants.

        11.  Earnings  per  share

        The  shares  used  in  the  computation  of  the  company's  basic  and  diluted  net
        earnings  per  common  share  were  as  follows:

                                                                  Three  months  ended              Six  months  ended
                                                                          October  31                            October  31
                                                            -----------------------  -----------------------
                                                                    2005                2004                2005                2004
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Weighted  average  number  of
          common  shares  used  in
          computing  basic  net
          earnings  per  share  ('000s)      85,574            85,521            85,300            85,251
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Weighted  average  number  of
          common  shares  used  in
          computing  diluted  net
          earnings  per  share  ('000s)      89,424            87,398            89,191            87,372
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------

        12.  Commitments  and  contingencies

        Customer  indemnifications

        The  Company  has  entered  into  license  agreements  with  customers  that
        include  limited  intellectual  property  indemnification  clauses.  The
        Company  generally  agrees  to  indemnify  its  customers  against  legal  claims
        that  its  software  products  infringe  certain  third-party  intellectual
        property  rights.  In  the  event  of  such  a  claim,  the  Company  is  generally
        obligated  to  defend  its  customer  against  the  claim  and  either  to  settle
        the  claim  at  the  Company's  expense  or  pay  damages  that  the  customer  is
        legally  required  to  pay  to  the  third-party  claimant.  The  Company  has  not
        made  any  significant  indemnification  payments  and  has  not  accrued  any
        amounts  in  relation  to  these  indemnification  clauses.


        Activity  related  to  the  Company's  legal  accruals  was  as  follows:

        April  30,  2005  provision  balance                                                                $          96
            Foreign  exchange  impact                                                                                          (8)
        July  31,  2005  provision  balance                                                                              88
            Foreign  exchange  impact                                                                                            -
        October  31,  2005  provision  balance                                                            $          88

        Extensity,  a  subsidiary  acquired  by  Geac  in  March  2003,  is  subject  to  a
        class  action  lawsuit,  which  alleges  that  Extensity,  certain  of  its  former
        officers  and  directors,  and  the  underwriters  of  its  initial  public
        offering  in  January  2000  violated  U.S.  securities  laws  by  not  adequately
        disclosing  the  compensation  paid  to  such  underwriters.  The  class  action
        lawsuit  has  been  consolidated  with  a  number  of  similar  class  action
        lawsuits  brought  against  other  issuers  and  underwriters  involved  in
        initial  public  offerings.  The  plaintiffs  seek  an  unspecified  amount  of
        damages.  The  plaintiffs  and  issuer  parties  have  entered  into  a  settlement
        agreement  to  settle  all  claims,  which  will  be  funded  by  the  issuers'
        insurers.  The  settlement  is  still  subject  to  approval  by  the  Court.

        In  addition,  Geac  is  subject  to  various  other  legal  proceedings  and
        claims  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business,  arising  out  of  disputes  over
        contracts,  alleged  torts,  intellectual  property,  real  estate  and  employee
        relations,  among  other  things.  In  the  opinion  of  management,  resolution
        of  these  matters  is  not  reasonably  expected  to  have  a  material  adverse
        effect  on  Geac's  financial  position,  results  of  operations  or  cash  flows.
        However,  a  materially  adverse  outcome  with  respect  to  such  matters  may
        affect  our  future  financial  position,  results  of  operations  or  cash

        13.  Segmented  information

        The  Company  reports  segmented  information  according  to  CICA  1701,
        "Segment  Disclosures."  This  standard  requires  segmentation  based  on  the
        way  management  organizes  segments  for  monitoring  performance.

        The  Company  operates  the  following  business  segments,  which  have  been
        segregated  based  on  product  offerings,  reflecting  the  way  that  management
        organizes  the  segments  within  the  business  for  making  operating  decisions
        and  assessing  performance.

        Enterprise  Applications  Systems  (EAS)  offer  software  solutions,  which
        include  cross-industry  enterprise  business  applications  for  financial
        administration  and  human  resource  functions  and  enterprise  resource
        planning  applications  for  manufacturing,  distribution,  and  supply  chain

        Industry-Specific  Applications  (ISA)  products  include  applications  for
        the  construction,  banking,  hospitality  and  publishing  marketplaces,  as
        well  as  a  range  of  applications  for  libraries  and  public  safety

        There  are  no  significant  inter-segment  revenues.  Segment  assets  consist
        of  working  capital  items,  excluding  cash  and  cash  equivalents.  Cash  and
        cash  equivalents  are  considered  to  be  corporate  assets.

                                              Three  months  ended                          Six  months  ended
                                                October  31,  2005                            October  31,  2005
                                    -----------------------------  -----------------------------
                                          EAS              ISA            Total            EAS              ISA            Total
                                    ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
            Software        $  16,328    $    2,538    $  18,866    $  27,445    $    4,326    $  31,771
            Support  and
              services          68,594        13,216        81,810      136,141        26,258      162,399
            Hardware              1,859              652          2,511          5,200          1,093          6,293
                                    ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
        Total  revenue  $  86,781    $  16,406    $103,187    $168,786    $  31,677    $200,463
                                    ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
                                    ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
          contribution  $  23,292    $    3,352    $  26,644    $  38,909    $    2,539    $  41,448

                                              Three  months  ended                          Six  months  ended
                                                October  31,  2004                            October  31,  2004
                                    -----------------------------  -----------------------------
                                            (revised  -  see  note  2)                (revised  -  see  note  2)
                                          EAS              ISA            Total            EAS              ISA            Total
                                    ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
            Software        $  12,167    $    2,795    $  14,962    $  25,475    $    4,888    $  30,363
            Support  and
              services          68,846        14,190        83,036      138,542        28,190      166,732
            Hardware              1,749              727          2,476          3,185          1,194          4,379
                                    ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
        Total  revenue  $  82,762    $  17,712    $100,474    $167,202    $  34,272    $201,474
                                    ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
                                    ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
          contribution  $  22,129    $    3,607    $  25,736    $  45,051    $    6,113    $  51,164

        For  the  three  and  six  months  ended  October  31,  2004,  certain  general  and
        administrative  expenses  have  been  reclassified  from  corporate  expenses  to
        EAS  segment  expenses  to  provide  a  more  accurate  portrayal  of  segment
        contribution.  In  addition,  the  ISA  balances  exclude  the  results  of

        The  reconciliation  of  segment  contribution  to  earnings  from  continuing
        operations  before  income  taxes  is  as  follows:

                                                                  Three  months  ended              Six  months  ended
                                                                          October  31                            October  31
                                                            -----------------------  -----------------------
                                                                    2005                2004                2005                2004
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                                                    (revised  -                            (revised  -
                                                                                    see  note  2)                          see  note  2)
        Segment  contribution              $    26,644      $    25,736      $    41,448      $    51,164
        Corporate  expenses                        (5,076)        (4,292)            (3,320)          (8,251)
        Amortization  of  intangible
          assets                                              (2,050)          (2,290)          (4,344)          (4,536)
        Interest  income,  net                      1,698                  306              2,872                  420
        Other  income,  net                                  26                  722                  605                  244
        Net  restructuring  and  other
          unusual  items                                (4,202)                367            (4,169)            1,020
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Earnings  from  continuing
          operations  before  income
          taxes                                          $    17,040      $    20,549      $    33,092      $    40,061
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------

        Geographical  information:

                                                                  Three  months  ended              Six  months  ended
                                                                          October  31                            October  31
                                                            -----------------------  -----------------------
                                                                    2005                2004                2005                2004
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                                                    (revised  -                            (revised  -
                                                                                    see  note  2)                          see  note  2)
        Revenue  by  geographic
            Americas                                    $  50,856        $  47,866        $  96,642        $  96,862
            Europe                                            44,720            43,609            88,518            87,238
            Asia                                                  7,611              8,999            15,303            17,344
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Total  revenue                              $103,187        $100,474        $200,463        $201,474
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------

        14.  United  States  generally  accepted  accounting  principles

        The  consolidated  financial  statements  of  the  Company  have  been  prepared
        in  accordance  with  Canadian  GAAP;  however  the  Company's  accounting
        policies,  as  reflected  in  these  consolidated  financial  statements,  do  not
        materially  differ  from  U.S.  GAAP  except  as  follows:

                                                                  Three  months  ended              Six  months  ended
                                                                          October  31                            October  31
                                                            -----------------------  -----------------------
                                                                    2005                2004                2005                2004
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                                                    (revised  -                            (revised  -
                                                                                    see  note  2)                          see  note  2)
        Net  earnings  from
          operations  under
          Canadian  GAAP
          -  as  reported                          $    11,105      $    14,567      $    21,272      $    27,628
              compensation  (a)                                -                  (14)                    -                  (26)
            Write  off  and
          amortization  of
              intellectual  property
              capitalized  under
              Canadian  GAAP  in
              connection  with  the
              Comshare  acquisition  (b)              75                    75                  150                  150
            Income  taxes  (c)                              (30)                (30)                (60)                (60)
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  earnings  from  continuing
          operations  under  U.S.  GAAP      11,150            14,598            21,362            27,692
        Discontinued  operations,
          net  of  income  taxes                    22,081                  637            23,204              1,088
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  earnings  under  U.S.  GAAP    33,231            15,235            44,566            28,780
        Other  comprehensive  income:
        Foreign  currency  translation
          adjustment                                            (78)            2,530            (3,421)            3,008
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Comprehensive  income  under
          U.S.  GAAP                                  $    33,153      $    17,765      $    41,145      $    31,788

                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
            Net  earnings  per  share
              from  continuing
              operations  under
              U.S.  GAAP:
        Basic  net  earnings  per
          common  share                            $        0.13      $        0.17      $        0.25      $        0.32

                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Diluted  net  earnings  per
          common  share                            $        0.12      $        0.17      $        0.24      $        0.32

                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  earnings  per  share  from
          discontinued  operations
          under  U.S.  GAAP:
        Basic  net  earnings  per
          common  share                            $        0.26      $        0.01      $        0.27      $        0.02

                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Diluted  net  earnings  per
          common  share                            $        0.25      $              -      $        0.26      $        0.01

                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  earnings  per  share
          under  U.S.  GAAP:
        Basic  net  earnings  per
          common  share                            $        0.39      $        0.18      $        0.52      $        0.34

                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Diluted  net  earnings  per
          common  share                            $        0.37      $        0.17      $        0.50      $        0.33

                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Weighted  average  number  of
          common  shares  used  in
          computing  basic  net
          earnings  per  share
          ('000s)                                            85,574            85,521            85,300            85,251

                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Weighted  average  number  of
          common  shares  used  in
          computing  diluted  net
          earnings  per  share  ('000s)    89,424              87,398            89,191            87,372

                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------

        Stock-based  compensation

        a)    Accounting  for  stock  options

                In  fiscal  2004,  the  Company  prospectively  adopted  the  new  Canadian
                GAAP  recommendations,  which  require  that  a  fair  value  method  of
                accounting  be  applied  to  all  stock  based  compensation  awards  granted
                on  or  after  May  1,  2003  to  both  employees  and  non-employees.  The
                Canadian  GAAP  recommendations  are  substantially  harmonized  with  the
                existing  U.S.  GAAP  rules,  which  have  also  been  adopted  by  the  Company
                prospectively  for  all  awards  granted  on  or  after  May  1,  2003.
                Therefore,  no  GAAP  difference  exists  for  stock  based  compensation  and
                awards  granted  in  fiscal  2004  and  thereafter.

                In  fiscal  2003  and  prior  periods,  the  Company  did  not  recognize  any
                stock-based  compensation  cost  under  Canadian  GAAP.  For  U.S.  GAAP,  the
                Company  elected  to  measure  stock-based  compensation  cost  based  on  the
                difference,  if  any,  on  the  date  of  the  grant,  between  the  market
                value  of  the  shares  and  the  exercise  price  (referred  to  as  the
                "intrinsic  value  method")  over  the  vesting  period.

                Pro  forma  disclosures

                For  awards  granted  prior  to  May  1,  2003,  U.S.  GAAP  requires  the
                disclosure  of  pro  forma  net  earnings  and  earnings  per  share
                information  for  all  outstanding  awards  as  if  the  Company  had
                accounted  for  employee  stock  options  under  the  fair  value  method.

                The  following  table  presents  net  earnings  and  earnings  per  share
                information  following  U.S.  GAAP  for  purposes  of  pro  forma

                                                                  Three  months  ended              Six  months  ended
                                                                          October  31                            October  31
                                                            -----------------------  -----------------------
                                                                    2005                2004                2005                2004
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  earnings  under  U.S.
          GAAP  -  as  reported  above    $    33,231      $    15,235      $    44,566      $    28,780
        Pro  forma  stock-based
          compensation  expense,
          net  of  tax                                          (234)              (218)              (476)              (570)
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net  earnings  -  pro  forma        $    32,997      $    15,017      $    44,090    $    28,210
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Basic  net  earnings  per
          common  share  under
          U.S.  GAAP  -  as
          reported  above                        $        0.39      $        0.18      $        0.52      $        0.34
        Pro  forma  stock-based
          compensation  expense  per
          common  share                                            -                      -                      -              (0.01)
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Basic  net  earnings  per
          common  share  -  pro  forma    $        0.39      $        0.18      $        0.52      $        0.33
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Diluted  net  earnings  per
          share  under  U.S.  GAAP  -
          as  reported  above                  $        0.37      $        0.17      $        0.50      $        0.33
        Pro  forma  stock-based
          compensation  expense  per
          common  share                                            -                      -              (0.01)            (0.01)
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
        Diluted  net  earnings  per
          common  share  -  pro  forma    $        0.37      $        0.17      $        0.49      $        0.32
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------

                Fair  values

                The  fair  values  of  awards  granted  were  estimated  using  the  Black-
                Scholes  option-pricing  model.  The  Black-Scholes  model  was  developed
                to  estimate  the  fair  value  of  traded  options  and  awards,  which  have
                no  vesting  restrictions,  and  are  fully  transferable.  The  Black-
                Scholes  model  requires  the  input  of  highly  subjective  assumptions
                including  the  expected  stock  price  volatility  and  expected  time  until
                exercise.  Because  the  Company's  employee  stock  options  and  stock
                awards  have  characteristics  significantly  different  from  those  of
                traded  options  and  awards,  and  because  changes  in  the  subjective
                input  assumptions  can  materially  affect  the  fair  value  estimate,  in
                management's  opinion,  existing  models,  including  the  Black-Scholes
                model,  do  not  necessarily  provide  a  reliable  single  measure  of  the
                fair  value  of  its  employee  stock  options  and  stock  awards.

        b)    Intangible  assets

                In-process  research  and  development

                In  connection  with  the  acquisition  of  Comshare,  in-process  research
                and  development  was  acquired  and  capitalized  under  Canadian  GAAP.
                Under  U.S.  GAAP,  such  in-process  research  and  development  is  charged
                to  expense  at  the  acquisition  date.  As  a  result,  under  U.S.  GAAP,  the
                carrying  value  of  the  Company's  intangible  assets  on  the  consolidated
                balance  sheet  would  be  $18,380  (April  30,  2005  -  $22,833)  and  the
                value  of  the  Company's  long-term  future  income  tax  assets  would  be
                $20,512  (April  30,  2005  -  $34,961).


                Although  the  new  Canadian  GAAP  section  for  Income  Taxes  is
                substantially  harmonized  with  U.S.  GAAP,  it  was  applied  retroactively
                and  goodwill  was  not  adjusted,  resulting  in  differing  carrying  values
                of  goodwill  under  Canadian  and  U.S.  GAAP.  Under  U.S.  GAAP,  the
                carrying  value  of  goodwill  on  the  consolidated  balance  sheet  would  be
                $92,062  (April  30,  2005  -  $92,835).

        c)    Income  taxes

                Included  in  "Income  taxes"  is  the  income  tax  effect  of  the  adjustment
                related  to  amortization  of  in-process  research  and  development.

        15.  Recent  accounting  pronouncements

        Canadian  GAAP

        Financial  Instruments,  Comprehensive  Income,  Hedges

        On  January  27,  2005,  the  Accounting  Standards  Board  issued  Canadian
        Institute  of  Chartered  Accountants  ("CICA")  handbook  section  1530
        Comprehensive  Income  ("Section  1530"),  handbook  Section  3855  Financial
        Instruments  -  Recognition  and  Measurement  ("Section  3855")  and  handbook
        section  3865  Hedges  ("Section  3865").  Section  3855  expands  on  CICA
        handbook  section  3860  Financial  Instruments  -  Disclosure  and  Presentation
        by  prescribing  when  a  financial  instrument  is  to  be  recognized  on  the
        balance  sheet  and  at  what  amount.  It  also  specifies  how  instrument  gains
        and  losses  are  to  be  presented.  Section  3865,  Hedges,  is  optional.  It
        provides  alternative  treatments  to  Section  3855  for  entities  that  choose
        to  designate  qualifying  transactions  as  hedges  for  accounting  purposes
        and  specifies  how  hedge  accounting  is  applied  and  what  disclosures  are
        necessary  when  it  is  applied.  Section  1530  introduced  a  new  requirement
        to  temporarily  present  certain  gains  and  losses  outside  net  income  in  a
        new  component  of  shareholders'  equity  entitled  Comprehensive  Income.
        These  standards  are  substantially  harmonized  with  U.S.  GAAP  and  are
        effective  for  the  Company  beginning  May  1,  2007.  The  Company  is  currently
        evaluating  the  impact  of  these  standards  on  its  consolidated  financial
        position,  results  of  operations  and  cash  flows.

        U.S.  GAAP

        Share-Based  Payment

        In  December  2004,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")
        issued  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS")  No.  123
        (revised  2004),  "Share-Based  Payment"  ("SFAS  123R"),  which  replaces  SFAS
        No.  123,  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation,"  ("SFAS  123")  and
        supersedes  APB  Opinion  No.  25,  "Accounting  for  Stock  Issued  to
        Employees".  SFAS  123R  requires  all  share-based  payments  to  employees,
        including  grants  of  employee  stock  options,  to  be  recognized  in  the
        financial  statements  based  on  their  fair  values  beginning  with  the  first
        interim  or  annual  period  after  June  15,  2005,  with  early  adoption
        encouraged.  In  April  2005,  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (the
        "SEC")  postponed  the  effective  date  of  SFAS  123R  until  the  issuer's  first
        fiscal  year  beginning  after  June  15,  2005.  Under  the  current  rules,  the
        Company  will  be  required  to  adopt  SFAS  123R  in  the  first  quarter  of
        fiscal  2007,  beginning  May  1,  2006.  The  pro  forma  disclosures  previously
        permitted  under  SFAS  123  no  longer  will  be  an  alternative  to  financial
        statement  recognition.

        The  Company  adopted  the  fair  value  method  of  accounting  for  all  stock-
        based  compensation  awards  to  both  employees  and  non-employees  granted  on
        or  after  May  1,  2003.  All  stock-based  compensation  related  to  awards
        granted  prior  to  April  30,  2003  is  included  in  the  pro  forma  disclosures
        above.  Under  SFAS  123R,  the  Company  must  utilize  one  of  the  transition
        methods  required  by  the  standard  to  record  the  fair  value  of  stock-based
        compensation  related  to  these  awards.  The  transition  methods  include
        prospective  and  retroactive  adoption  options.  Under  the  retroactive
        option,  prior  periods  may  be  restated  either  as  of  the  beginning  of  the
        year  of  adoption  or  for  all  periods  presented.  The  prospective  method
        requires  that  compensation  expense  be  recorded  for  all  unvested  stock
        options  and  restricted  stock  at  the  beginning  of  the  first  quarter  of
        adoption  of  SFAS  123R,  while  the  retroactive  methods  would  record
        compensation  expense  for  all  unvested  stock  options  and  restricted  stock
        beginning  with  the  first  period  restated.

        In  March  2005,  the  SEC  issued  Staff  Accounting  Bulletin  No.  107
        ("SAB  107")  regarding  the  SEC's  interpretation  of  SFAS  123R  and  the
        valuation  of  share-based  payments  for  public  companies.  The  Company  is
        evaluating  the  requirements  of  SFAS  123R  and  SAB  107  and  expects  that  the
        adoption  of  SFAS  123R  on  May  1,  2006  will  not  have  a  material  impact  on
        its  consolidated  results  of  operations  and  earnings  per  share.  The
        Company  has  not  yet  determined  the  method  of  adoption  or  the  effect  of
        adopting  SFAS  123R,  and  it  has  not  determined  whether  the  adoption  will
        result  in  amounts  that  are  similar  to  the  current  pro  forma  disclosures
        under  SFAS  123.

        Exchanges  of  Non-monetary  Assets

        In  December  2004,  the  FASB  issued  SFAS  No.  153,  "Exchanges  of
        Non-monetary  Assets  -  An  Amendment  of  Accounting  Principles  Board  Opinion
        No.  29,  Accounting  for  Non-monetary  Transactions"  ("SFAS  153").  SFAS  153
        eliminates  the  exception  from  fair  value  measurement  for  non-monetary
        exchanges  of  similar  productive  assets  in  paragraph  21(b)  of  APB  Opinion
        No.  29,  "Accounting  for  Non-monetary  Transactions,"  and  replaces  it  with
        an  exception  for  exchanges  that  do  not  have  commercial  substance.
        SFAS  153  specifies  that  a  non-monetary  exchange  has  commercial  substance
        if  the  future  cash  flows  of  the  entity  are  expected  to  change
        significantly  as  a  result  of  the  exchange.  SFAS  153  is  effective  for
        fiscal  periods  beginning  after  June  15,  2005  and  was  adopted  by  the
        Company  in  the  second  quarter  of  fiscal  2006,  beginning  on  August  1,
        2005.  The  adoption  of  Statement  153  had  no  effect  on  its  consolidated
        financial  position,  results  of  operations  or  cash  flows.

        Accounting  Changes  and  Error  Corrections

        On  June  7,  2005,  the  FASB  issued  Statement  No.  154,  Accounting  Changes
        and  Error  Corrections,  a  replacement  of  APB  Opinion  No.  20,  Accounting
        Changes,  and  Statement  No.  3,  Reporting  Accounting  Changes  in  Interim
        Financial  Statements.  Statement  154  changes  the  requirements  for  the
        accounting  for  and  reporting  of  a  change  in  accounting  principle.
        Previously,  most  voluntary  changes  in  accounting  principles  required
        recognition  of  a  cumulative  effect  adjustment  within  net  income  of  the
        period  of  the  change.  Statement  154  requires  retrospective  application  to
        prior  periods'  financial  statements,  unless  it  is  impracticable  to
        determine  either  the  period-specific  effects  or  the  cumulative  effect  of
        the  change.  Statement  154  is  effective  for  accounting  changes  made  in
        fiscal  years  beginning  after  December  15,  2005;  however,  the  Statement
        does  not  change  the  transition  provisions  of  any  existing  accounting
        pronouncements.  We  do  not  believe  adoption  of  Statement  154  will  have  a
        material  effect  on  our  consolidated  financial  position,  results  of
        operations  or  cash  flows.

        Amortization  Period  for  Leasehold  Improvements

        On  June  29,  2005,  the  FASB  ratified  the  EITF's  Issue  No.  05-06,
        Determining  the  Amortization  Period  for  Leasehold  Improvements.
        Issue  05-06  provides  that  the  amortization  period  used  for  leasehold
        improvements  acquired  in  a  business  combination  or  purchased  after  the
        inception  of  a  lease  be  the  shorter  of  (a)  the  useful  life  of  the  assets
        or  (b)  a  term  that  includes  required  lease  periods  and  renewals  that  are
        reasonably  assured  upon  the  acquisition  or  the  purchase.  The  provisions
        of  Issue  05-06  are  effective  on  a  prospective  basis  for  leasehold
        improvements  purchased  or  acquired  in  reporting  periods  beginning  after
        board  ratification  (June  29,  2005).  We  do  not  believe  the  adoption  of
        Issue  05-06  will  have  a  material  effect  on  our  consolidated  financial
        position,  results  of  operations  or  cash  flows.

        16.  Subsequent  event

        On  November  7,  2005,  the  Company  announced  that  it  reached  a  definitive
        agreement  ("the  Agreement")  with  Golden  Gate  Capital,  for  Golden  Gate
        Capital  to  acquire  Geac  in  an  all-cash  transaction  valued  at  $11.10  per
        share,  or  approximately  $1.0  billion,  pursuant  to  a  plan  of  arrangement.
        Both  parties  anticipate  closing  the  transaction  in  the  first  calendar
        quarter  of  2006.  The  closing  is  subject  to  certain  customary  closing
        conditions,  including  receipt  of  required  regulatory  approvals  and  Geac
        shareholder  and  court  approval  of  the  plan  of  arrangement.

        Under  terms  specified  in  the  Agreement,  Geac  or  Golden  Gate  Capital  may
        terminate  the  Agreement,  and  as  a  result  either  Geac  or  Golden  Gate
        Capital  will  be  required  to  pay  a  $25  million  termination  fee  to  the
        other  party.  Either  Geac  or  Golden  Gate  Capital  may  terminate  the
        Agreement  if  the  acquisition  has  not  closed  by  March  16,  2006,  as  long  as
        the  terminating  party  has  not  caused  the  delay  in  closing  by  not
        complying  with  a  term  of  the  Agreement.

        17.  Reclassification  of  comparative  figures

        Certain  prior  year's  comparative  figures  in  the  accompanying  interim
        financial  statements  have  been  reclassified  to  conform  to  the  current
        year's  presentation.


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