Moldflow Reports Fourth Fiscal Quarter 2003 Results; Exceeds Guidance with Quarterly Growth in Revenues and EPS

Note to Editors: Moldflow, Moldflow Manufacturing Solutions and MMS are trademarks or registered trademarks of Moldflow Corporation or its subsidiaries worldwide. All other trademarks are properties of their respective holders.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

Pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, the Company notes that any statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts are forward looking statements. Such forward looking statements include, but are not limited to, those regarding Moldflow's or management's intentions, hopes, beliefs, expectations, projections or plans for the future and statements regarding: (i) Moldflow's market leadership and competitive position in its market segments, and (ii) the Company's business outlook including revenue and earnings guidance. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. These risks and uncertainties include: (i) with respect to the Company's market leadership and competitive position, the risks that a renewed economic downturn will adversely impact the market for the Company's products, that competitors will emerge with greater resources or unforeseen technological breakthroughs and that our Manufacturing Solutions products will have a longer sales cycle than our Design Optimization products, and (ii) with respect to the Company's business outlook, the risks that a continued weak world economy will further slow capital spending by the Company's prospective customers, that the Company may not be able to recognize the revenue derived from orders received, that the sales cycle may lengthen based on the larger average deal sizes for our Manufacturing Solutions products, that foreign currency fluctuations may adversely affect our financial results, that our distribution partners will not achieve their revenue objectives, that the overall mix of revenues differs materially from that projected, and that changes in US or foreign tax legislation may result in a higher level of income tax expense than that projected, as well as other risks and uncertainties detailed from time to time in reports filed by Moldflow with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2002 as well as its subsequent quarterly and annual filings. Revenue and earnings guidance offered by senior management today represents a point-in-time estimate and is based on information as of the date of this press release. Senior management has made numerous assumptions in providing this guidance which, while believed to be reasonable, may not prove to be accurate. In addition, as noted above, there are numerous factors which may cause actual results to differ materially from the guidance provided. The Company expressly disclaims any current intention or obligation to update the guidance provided or any other forward-looking statement in this press release to reflect future events or changes in facts assumed for purposes of providing this guidance or otherwise affecting the forward-looking statements contained in this press release.

Moldflow Corporation
Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Operations
(in thousands, except per share data)

                               Three Months Ended
                                 June 30, 2003
                         GAAP       to GAAP     Non-GAAP
                       Results(a)   Results    Results(b)
 Product                 $4,768        $-        $4,768
 Services                 5,157         -         5,157
                        -------     -----       -------
 Total revenue            9,925         -         9,925
                        -------     -----       -------

 Costs and
 Cost of product
  revenue                   800         -           800
 Cost of
  services revenue          324         -           324
 Research and
  development             1,309         -         1,309
 Selling and
  marketing               5,232         -         5,232
 General and
  administrative          1,912         -         1,912
 Non-recurring charges      (33)       33(c)          -
 Amortization of
  intangible assets         111      (111)(d)         -
                        -------     -----       -------
 Total operating
  expenses                9,655       (78)        9,577
                        -------     -----       -------

 Income (loss)
  from operations           270        78           348

  income, net               255         -           255
 Other income
  (loss), net               (30)        -           (30)
                        -------     -----       -------

 Income (loss)
  before income
  taxes                     495        78           573
 Provision for
  (benefit from)
  income taxes              245       (12)(e)       233
                        -------     -----       -------
 Net income
  (loss)                   $250       $90                   $340
                                                =======          =====              =======

  Net  income  (loss)  per
      common  share:
    Basic                                      $0.02                                      $0.03
    Diluted                                  $0.02                                      $0.03
  Weighted  average
    Basic                                    10,003                                    10,003
    Diluted                                10,465                                    10,465

                                                              Three  Months  Ended
                                                                June  30,  2002
                                                  GAAP              to  GAAP      Non-GAAP
                                                Results(a)    Results      Results(b)
  Product                                  $3,937                $-                $3,937
  Services                                  4,366                  -                  4,366
                                                -------      -------              -------
  Total  revenue                        8,303                  -                  8,303
                                                -------      -------              -------

  Costs  and
  Cost  of  product
    revenue                                      607                  -                      607
  Cost  of
    services  revenue                    412                  -                      412
  Research  and
    development                          1,640                  -                  1,640
  Selling  and
    marketing                              4,276                  -                  4,276
  General  and
    administrative                    1,614                  -                  1,614
    charges                                  1,272        (1,272)(g)                  -
  Amortization  of
    intangible  assets                  164            (164)(d)                  -
                                                -------      -------              -------
  Total  operating
    expenses                                9,985        (1,436)                8,549
                                                -------      -------              -------

  Income  (loss)
    from  operations                (1,682)        1,436                    (246)

    income,  net                              312                  -                      312
  Other  income
    (loss),  net                              317            (446)                  (129)
                                                -------      -------              -------

  Income  (loss)
    before  income
    taxes                                    (1,053)            990                      (63)
  Provision  for
    (benefit  from)
    income  taxes                          (204)            363(e)                159
                                                -------      -------              -------
  Net  income
    (loss)                                    $(849)          $627                  $(222)
                                                =======      =======              =======

  Net  income  (loss)  per
      common  share:
    Basic                                    $(0.08)                                  $(0.02)
    Diluted                                $(0.08)                                  $(0.02)
  Weighted  average
    Basic                                    10,085                                    10,085
    Diluted                                10,085                                    10,085

                                                                    Year  Ended
                                                                  June  30,  2003
                                                  GAAP              to  GAAP        Non-GAAP
                                              Results(a)      Results      Results(b)
  Product                                $17,259                $-              $17,259
  Services                                19,366                  -                19,366
                                              --------      -------            --------
  Total  revenue                      36,625                  -                36,625
                                              --------      -------            --------

  Costs  and
  Cost  of  product
    revenue                                  2,964            (179)(c)          2,785
  Cost  of
    services  revenue                1,210                  -                  1,210
  Research  and
    development                          5,650                  -                  5,650
  Selling  and
    marketing                            18,638                  -                18,638
  General  and
    administrative                    7,242                  -                  7,242
    charges                                      405            (405)(c)                  -
  Amortization  of
    intangible  assets                  605            (605)(d)                  -
                                              --------      -------              --------
  Total  operating
    expenses                              36,714        (1,189)              35,525
                                              --------      -------            --------

  Income  (loss)
    from  operations                      (89)        1,189                  1,100

    income,  net                          1,089                  -                  1,089
  Other  income
    (loss),  net                            (198)                -                    (198)
                                              --------      -------            --------

  Income  before
    income  taxes                            802          1,189                  1,991
  Provision  for
    income  taxes                            920                98(e)            1,018
                                              --------      -------            --------
  Net  income  (loss)                $(118)      $1,091                    $973
                                              ========      =======            ========

  Net  income  (loss)  per
      common  share:
    Basic                                    $(0.01)                                    $0.10
    Diluted                                $(0.01)                                    $0.09
  Weighted  average
    Basic                                    10,020                                    10,020
    Diluted                                10,020                                    10,368

                                                                      Year  Ended
                                                                  June  30,  2002
                                                  GAAP              to  GAAP        Non-GAAP
                                              Results(a)      Results      Results(b)
  Product                                $17,870                $-              $17,870
  Services                                17,218                  -                17,218
                                              --------      -------            --------
  Total  revenue                      35,088                  -                35,088
                                              --------      -------            --------

  Costs  and
  Cost  of  product
    revenue                                  2,518                  -                  2,518
  Cost  of
    services  revenue                1,401                  -                  1,401
  Research  and
    development                          6,234                  -                  6,234
  Selling  and
    marketing                            18,134                  -                18,134
  General  and
    administrative                    6,660                  -                  6,660
    charges                                  1,272        (1,272)(g)                  -
  Amortization  of
    intangible  assets                  656            (656)(d)                  -
                                              --------      -------            --------
  Total  operating
    expenses                              36,875        (1,928)              34,947
                                              --------      -------            --------

  Income  (loss)
    from  operations                (1,787)        1,928                      141

    income,  net                          1,455                  -                  1,455
  Other  income
    (loss),  net                          1,712        (1,575)(f)              137
                                              --------      -------            --------

  Income  before
    income  taxes                        1,380              353                  1,733
  Provision  for
    income  taxes                            600              153(e)                753
                                              --------      -------            --------
  Net  income  (loss)                  $780            $200                    $980
                                              ========      =======            ========

  Net  income  (loss)  per
      common  share:
    Basic                                      $0.08                                      $0.10
    Diluted                                  $0.08                                      $0.09
  Weighted  average
    Basic                                    10,076                                    10,076
    Diluted                                10,360                                    10,360

(a)The  Unaudited  Consolidated  Statement  of  Operations  prepared  in
accordance  with  accounting  principles  generally  accepted  in  the  United
States  of  America  ("GAAP").

(b)The  Unaudited  Consolidated  Statement  of  Operations  prepared  on  an
adjusted  basis  from  that  of  the  statement  prepared  in  accordance  with
GAAP,  which  is  intended  to  enhance  the  reader's  understanding  of  the
Company's  results  from  operations.

(c)  Restructuring  and  other  impairment  charges  resulting  from  actions
taken  in  conjunction  with  the  Company's  January  2003  acquisition  of
Controle  de  Processus  Industriels,  s.a.r.l.  ("CPI")  and  related
subsequent  adjustments.

(d)  Amortization  of  acquired  intangible  assets.

(e)  Net  tax  effect  of  the  adjusted  items.

(f)  Gains  on  the  sales  of  certain  investments  and  other  assets  and  a
gain  on  the  settlement  of  an  acquisition  escrow  matter.

(g)  Restructuring  charges  resulting  from  actions  taken  in  our  April
2002  Restructuring  Plan.

Moldflow  Corporation
Unaudited  Condensed  Consolidated  Balance  Sheet
(in  thousands)

                                                                      June  30,  June  30,
                                                                          2003          2002
                                                                      --------  --------

  Current  assets:
      Cash  and  cash  equivalents              $38,320    $47,634
      Marketable  securities                        13,820        3,233
      Accounts  receivable,  net                    6,147        5,927
      Inventories,  prepaid  expenses
        and  other  current  assets                  5,011        4,098
                                                                      --------  --------
                Total  current  assets                63,298      60,892

  Fixed  assets,  net                                      3,891        3,793
  Goodwill  and  other  intangibles
    assets,  net                                              10,355      10,101
  Other  assets                                                1,933        1,227
                                                                      --------  --------
                Total  assets                              $79,477    $76,013
                                                                      ========  ========

  Liabilities  and  Stockholders'
  Current  liabilities:
      Accounts  payable                                  $1,684      $1,164
      Accrued  expenses                                    7,439        7,664
      Deferred  revenue                                    8,551        7,931
                                                                      --------  --------
                Total  current  liabilities      17,674      16,759

  Deferred  revenue                                            513                -
  Other  long-term  liabilities                      641            614
                                                                      --------  --------
                Total  liabilities                      18,828      17,373
                                                                      --------  --------

  Stockholders'  Equity:
      Common  stock                                                102            101
      Additional  paid-in  capital              62,867      62,732
      Treasury  stock                                          (926)        (327)
      Accumulated  deficit                            (4,090)    (3,972)
      Accumulated  other  
        comprehensive  income                          2,696            106
                                                                      --------  --------
                Total  stockholders'  
                  equity                                          60,649      58,640
                                                                      --------  --------

                Total  liabilities  and
                  stockholders'  equity            $79,477    $76,013
                                                                      ========  ========

Moldflow  Corporation
Unaudited  Condensed  Consolidated  Statement  of  Cash  Flows
(in  thousands)

                                                                    Three  Months  Ended        Year  Ended
                                                                      -----------------  -----------------
                                                                      June  30,  June  30,  June  30,  June  30,
                                                                          2003          2002          2003          2002
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  --------

  Cash  flows  provided  by  operating
    activities                                                    $914      $1,416      $2,384      $4,961
  Cash  flows  provided  by  (used  in)
    investing  activities                          (10,237)    (3,683)  (13,398)      8,836
  Cash  flows  provided  by  (used  in)
    financing  activities                                    43              27          (525)          (55)
  Effect  of  exchange  rate  changes  on
    cash  and  cash  equivalents                    1,477            569        2,225            923
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  --------
  Net  increase  (decrease)  in  cash
    and  cash  equivalents                            (7,803)    (1,672)    (9,314)    14,665

  Cash  and  cash  equivalents,
    beginning  of  period                              46,123      49,305      47,634      32,969
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  --------

  Cash  and  cash  equivalents,  
    end  of  period                                        $38,320    $47,634    $38,320    $47,634
                                                                      ========  ========  ========  ========

  Reconciliation  of  the  Unaudited  Condensed  Consolidated  Statement  of
    Cash  Flows  prepared  in  accordance  with  GAAP  to  free  cash  flows:

                                                                    Three  Months  Ended        Year  Ended
                                                                      -----------------  -----------------
                                                                      June  30,  June  30,  June  30,  June  30,
                                                                          2003          2002          2003          2002
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  --------

  Cash  flows  provided  by  
    operating  activities                                $914      $1,416      $2,384      $4,961
  Purchases  of  fixed  assets                        (236)        (451)    (1,240)    (1,143)
  Proceeds  of  fixed  asset  disposals              -                -                -            930
  Capitalization  of  software
    development  costs                                      (351)              -          (669)        (602)
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  --------

  Free  cash  flows                                            $327          $965          $475      $4,146
                                                                      ========  ========  ========  ========

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